NC pharmacists can now dispense birth control without a prescription. How it works.
A new state law that went into effect on Feb. 1, allows North Carolinians access to birth control, as well as several other medications, directly from a pharmacist without a doctor’s prescription.
But the provisions within the law did not become operational until Monday, March 14, when State Health Director Dr. Betsey Tilson issued “standing orders” for how pharmacists should implement the law.
The law expands pharmacists’ scope of practice by allowing immunizing pharmacists to “dispense, deliver or administer” certain nicotine replacement therapies, oral or transdermal (or patch) contraceptives, prenatal vitamins, post-exposure prophylaxis medications and glucagon.
With the standing orders now signed by Tilson, pharmacists have more direct instructions for dispensing the contraceptives listed in the law, and required training will be available to further equip them for the task.
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