Asheboro City Schools student denied diploma after wearing Mexican flag to graduation
Hat tip, an AM radio station I had on this morning.
Asheboro City Schools student denied diploma after wearing Mexican flag to graduation
Updated: 6:49 PM EDT Jun 4, 2021 Web Staff
ASHEBORO, N.C. An Asheboro High School student was apparently denied his diploma after wearing a Mexican flag over his graduation gown at the ceremony Thursday. ... In a statement released by Asheboro City Schools late Friday afternoon a spokesperson said the incident had been "misrepresented across a number of social media platforms" following the ceremony.
"The heart of the issue is the fact that the student did not follow the established dress code for the event and detracted from the importance and the solemnity of the ceremony. Our dress code is in place to ensure the dignity of the event is upheld and is fair to all students. Graduation is a milestone event and it is grossly unfair for one individual to diminish this event by violating the dress code. The flag was draped over the student's shoulders as he walked across the stage at Thursday night's graduation ceremony," the emailed statement read.
Public Information Officer Leigh Anna Marbert said students were encouraged to express their individuality by decorating their mortar boards and that a number of students followed the protocol "and had the Mexican flag and other representations appropriately displayed during the ceremony."
The school system streamed the Thursday night ceremony on Facebook. In the video, the student is shown starting to take the flag off his shoulders after not receiving a diploma but then proceeds on. ... "I don't see this as a distraction. I'm just representing where I came from," said Ever Lopez, 18, the student at the center of the growing controversy.