New York
Related: About this forumPay Raise Commission ends, no raises for lawmakers
The special commission set up last year to recommend possible raises for lawmakers has said ‘’no’’ meaning that, short of going into special session and enacting an increase separately from the commission — and getting Gov. Andrew Cuomo to go along — lawmakers will get no raise next year.
Instead, they will continue to collect their $79,500 base salaries, plus stipends for additional duties. They haven’t had a raise since 1999.
“We believe the opinion of the public is entirely relevant,’’ Fran Reiter, one of three gubernatorial appointees to the commission said, referring to public input they got from New Yorkers who don’t believe lawmakers should get more.
She also repeated her contention, which has been shared by the governor, that lawmakers should have come before the panel and testified as to why they should get a pay increase.
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Historic NY
(38,611 posts)How can they live on it.....
(119,313 posts)but I would be happy to get that much salary compared to what I made throughout my career. I assume that they receive some type of per diem while in session to cover the costs of having a second residence.
Historic NY
(38,611 posts)some double, triple and quadruple dip. They get cars and 172 a day for walk around expenses.
My Sen. is 88 he gets 79,500 + 58682 + 25000 salary, pension & leadership money w/o the $172 a day & a vehicle.
on top he get a town pension, a military, pension & social security. He didn't showup much at all this year and blew off debate and other appearances....oh he a Republican. They spent almost 400k in outside spending on ads