New Jersey
Related: About this forumHospitals to patients: FUCK YIZ ALL !
This morning's Newark Star-Ledger tells the story of a nurse in Hackensack Meridian Health. Seems she figured out, all by herself,
that the hospital's requirement to get vaccinated was an example of government over-control. Thus, she sought and received an exemption BASED ON RELIGION.
Fast forward, she gets an ICU patient with the same demographics as her --- 30 years of age, 2 kids, unvaccinated. The patient died and our heroine decides, maybe that Jesus fella wasn't right after all. And she gets vaccinated, becoming a front page story as a lesson to other unvaccinated people that maybe vaccination is a good idea.
This takes me to the hospital, Hackensack Meridian Health (HMH). A spokesman for the business tells us that 6% of its staff are unvaccinated. Think about that. They have 33,000 employees and 1,980 of them (now, minus 1) are unvaccinated and interacting with patients and the public. And based on privacy, we can't even know which ones of those are followers of Jesus.
And what about Atlantic Health and St. Barnabas?
Solution: Hospitals should do as United Airlines did with their employees. If you ain't vaccinated, take an unpaid leave until the pandemic is over.
Carry on,

Sibelius Fan
(24,663 posts)Why not an exemption for belief in Santa Claus?
(189,239 posts)IronLionZion
(48,013 posts)
(8,251 posts)The Pastafarians are on the right side, as usual.
(189,239 posts)
(43,049 posts)antivax.
Judaism is pro vax, except for a few Satmar communitiea where the local rabbi declared it sinful, against God's plan, or some such thing. That may be changing.
Roman Catholics have problems fetal tissue, but not all vaccines use fetal tissue, and it has to be aborted tissue. It's probsbly the easiest route for an exemption if you push for it.
7th day adventists are against transfusions because of some OT proscription agsinst consuming blood, but have no stand on vax.
Muslims have the same rules about pork as Jews, but it gets dicy-- pork is still unclean, but health is more important.
Other Eastern religions don't have much of pronlem with it that I've found.
So, religious objections are largely bullshit, and just serve to cloud the issue.
A Morpheus Felinae
(41 posts)I can unequivocally state that SDA's have no objections to blood transfusions. In fact, if there is one positive thing that religion offered is that they are very health oriented. My parents were employed at the SDA owned and operated Loma Linda University Medical Center from it opening back in the late 1960s and I got my first job out of high school in the LLUMC medical records department and it was, and I believe still is, a great organization and pro-transfusion and definitely pro-vaccine.
(43,049 posts)Rabrrrrrr
(58,371 posts)but otherwise - yes, none of the legitimate religious expressions are anti-vax.
It's only certain of the Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christians that are anti-vax, and those aren't really Christians, at least not in the US: they're really nationalists whose religion is the USA but they like to say "Jesus" a lot. Other countries have their own form of this ridiculous kind of Christianity as well; more than I feel like enumerating here, but the fuckers are all over the place spreading their toxic shit (and now spreading their toxic Covid).
(also, as an aside, Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists are born of the Millerite movement (though JW come about 40 years later), which began in northeastern NY State in the 1830s about the same time Joseph Smith, grand scam artist extraordinaire, was over on the western side of NY state inventing a new-world "religion" called Latter Day Saints)
(43,049 posts)but the point still is that no "organized" religion opposes vaxxing.
Occasional rabbis, mullahs, preachers, snake handlers, snake oil salesmen, and other misguided leaders, or just outright crooks and liars may try to convince you otherwise, but they are wrong and probably picking your pocket.
(58,371 posts)Only the worst of humanity would think there's a "religious" reason to avoid vaccination.
(162,408 posts)you can use delusions as an excuse to endanger public health
(24,164 posts)IronLionZion
(48,013 posts)
Most people don't realize that Measles was declared eradicated from the Americas (north and south) until dumbass religious anti-vaxxers brought it back to ruin their kids' lives.
(26,891 posts)are Catholic. What does this mean? Not sure.
(6,675 posts)calimary
(85,366 posts)Vaccination or bust. Take yer pick. No jab? No job!
(694 posts)impressed with 1% to 3% death rate.
(6,645 posts)I am both. Fyi