Related: About this forumI just got my appointments to be vaccinated
I spent a couple hours yesterday trying with no luck anywhere. Now I have both Pfizer vaccines scheduled at CVS, no muss, no fuss.
I would say I got lucky. My mother-in-law ( 75+ ) said that she kept trying for 2 months before she got hers. It's a load off my mind.
Good luck, everyone. I hope you get yours soon.

(18,435 posts)..buildings all set up and a ton of volunteers to do the paper work, leg work and scheduling and the Fire Dept and RNs were jabbing. Hubby and i got ours in Feb....EZ in and out and neither had side effects. We both had Pfizer but would have gladly taken any of them.
(17,634 posts)We both became eligible at the same time. She got her first dose yesterday, mine is on saturday.
Both were through the cvs website. There is a way to game it and avoid several steps, or at least get them out of the way so you can jump on a date that pops up.
If you just go to their appointment site, you have to select your state. If that state has no appointments, you can't go any further. Once there is one, you can try to make an appointment, but you firsat have to go through a couple of screens of questions, which slows you down. 99% of the time, the slots will be gone by the time you get there. That page refreshes every 15 minutes or so.
But once you get past that initial screen and get to the screen where you can search a zip or city/town name, you can just keep trying. The first frustration is that you will see appts pop up, but when you click on select date, it is gone. These disappear in seconds, and often don't even appear on the intro screen.
If you are lucky and get past the appt location and date, you then need to schedule your second appt. I missed about 5 opp's because there was no second appt available. You can't select just the first, you have to get both.
But I was finally able to grab one at about 1:30 in the morning (couldn't sleep).
There is a bypass though. Check other states (like Texas) that have plenty of appts available. You will quickly get to a screen where you select your state and then you can search zips as above. No waiting for a slot to appear on the intro page.
I called it the texas two step.
(66,282 posts)Nululu
(1,016 posts)It took us a month to get one for me and my hubby.
(8,203 posts)Fairgrounds..same location as 1st (3/3), it has been 3 hours and we are feeling fine..3 lines this am..and we even got the same nurse..she was delightful and delighted for us..never had to leave the truck..they were so organized both times.
We pulled out of the building, they held us for 15 minutes - checked to make sure we were fine - all the way home..about 45 min..I kept checking with him to make sure he was okay (he was driving).. hubby said "well, honey, we did it" ..will still mask, and social distance, but feeling just a bit more at ease..
The nurse told us they are shutting down the fairgrounds operation this week due to vaccine available so many places now in AZ..age restriction lifted today for 16+.
Totally glad for you...let us know how you make out..