MDOT requesting funding sooner rather than later
JACKSON – The Mississippi Department of Transportation is claiming that road construction projects could be delayed and the costs of those projects to taxpayers could be increased if Gov. Phil Bryant waits too long to call a special session to fund the agency.
Melinda McGrath, MDOT’s executive director, sent a letter to Bryant last week explaining the need for her agency’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year to be approved by May 15. The Legislature ended the 2017 session late last month without funding the office of Attorney General Jim Hood, the Department of Transportation and the state Aid Road Program.
Bryant is expected to call a special session before the new fiscal year begins July 1 for the Legislature to fund the agencies. The legislative leadership has indicated that the passage of those bills will not be difficult, though they died during the regular session in the midst of disputes between the House and Senate leadership.
But in a letter to Bryant, McGrath said the governor should not wait too long to call the special session.
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