State Auditor finds porn on school laptops
The State Auditor discovered students are able to access pornography on public school computers. State Auditor Stacey Pickering disclosed the findings in a cybersecurity report that was issued today. Some findings of the report are:
A review of school districts conducted by the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) found and alarming number of students accessing pornography and other explicit material....
The purpose of the Cybersecurity Audit was to test the reliability of the security controls districts have in place and the filters, if any, installed on publicly owned devices that are issued and utilized by students across the State of Mississippi. OSA’s objective was to ensure districts were protecting students from harmful and/or inappropriate material while accessing the Internet with these devices....
Of the 150 devices tested, as indicated in Chart 1, 30 (20%) of the devices showed evidence that students were able to access explicit material on school issued devices; evidence also indicated that the district’s filtering systems were ineffective when filtering inappropriate material.
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