Related: About this forumThis is a picture of stupid fuckheads and assholes in a bar in Minnesota opened in defiance
Last edited Wed Dec 23, 2020, 12:42 PM - Edit history (3)

Sorry about the title of my post, but I can't help it, they really do look like stupid fuckheads and assholes.
Right-click on the picture and open in a new tab or new window for a much larger version to really see their expressions.
Minnesota bars' licenses suspended for defying restrictions, December 17, 2020 3:11 p.m.
This one has a great video of it which is even more packed looking. Incredibly more packed looking.
Starting at 0:35-0:40, then an even worse shot at 0:46
Here's a YouTube. Don't be fooled by this initial picture. See just 1 second in for the mob scene
It's of course all about FREEDOM that is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States (I'm sorry I was effectively drafted during the Viet Nam War, so I learned a LOOOOONNNNNG time ago its not all about freedom), but some fuckheads over at the resistance sites really believe they should be allowed to do whatever they please because of the Constitution etc. etc..
And they say if you are a scaredy cat and afraid of a disease with more than a 99% survival rate, then stay at home, nobody is forcing you to go to a bar. (No thought given about how they might in turn spread it to vulnerable populations -- 65% of the people who have died from Covid so far in MN were in nursing homes or assisted living facilities and the like).
As for the 99+% survival rate, I was going to argue with them about that, but if the CDC is right that for every case that is reported, there are another 7 that are not, then yeah, the 99+% survival rate is correct. Still, we've lost more people then World War II or we're close to that, so isn't that enough? And it doesn't count the survivors with horrific damage to various organs and their cognitive functions (Thom Hartmann was reading a study yesterday on that, really awful stuff).
More photos made at the same time (well worth the click). I have to laugh at some media reports that "many not wearing a mask". NONE are.
Click the arrow on the right side of the picture (and midway between top and bottom) to see 2 more photos.
I STILL say they look like stupid fuckheads and assholes.

Response to progree (Original post)
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(11,618 posts)Didn't see anywhere where I claimed valor. I don't see anywhere where I said I was shilling for communism and the Viet Cong.
And no, the "freedom" to spread disease in a pandemic and murder fellow Americans at World War II levels is not one of the freedoms that are the pillar of this nation.
Its beyond frustrating to see another so called vet claim valor in a series of paragraphs decrying the freedoms that are the pillar of this nation. You don't see us Iraq vet denouncing the American people for the radical Islam of Al-Qaida, why do Vietnam vets so commonly shill for the communism of the Viet Cong?
And yes, I'm a real vet.
Now go fuck off, troll.
Response to progree (Reply #2)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(11,618 posts)The reason I invoked my veteran status, is that its an example in America under our Constitution where we're not free to do anything we want, that we have responsibilities and obligations as well that limit our personal freedoms and calls for deep sacrifices.
"we don't use that service to denounce how the American people use it."
Spreading diseases that have killed more Americans than World War II in just 10 months is something that should be denounced by all patriots, whether veterans or not.
Roy Rolling
(7,266 posts)Im at the stage I report trolls on Twitter every time they respond. Fuck them, they rely on our polite acceptance of other viewpoints to sneak their messages in.
No more. Well done, give them no quarter.
Trueblue Texan
(3,213 posts)I just got here to see this thread, but they absolutely DO rely on our politeness to get away with their lies and misinformation. Time we call them out on it with all the consistency we can!
(11,618 posts)resistor restaurant (and bar?) websites. They are located in Lynd, MN, in the southwest corner (almost) of the state, southwest of Marshall.
There are a few of us fighting back with data.
(10,599 posts)You like pizza?
(11,618 posts)or whatever in particular was bugging him/her, but this person doesn't seem like one of the most rational visitors we've ever had, so it would have probably been an exercise in futility.
(11,618 posts)and why would anyone sign up etc. etc. He certainly sounded like he might be a Trumper.
(10,599 posts)If these Assholes are so desperate to gather in a bar without masks, why don't we just LOCK THEM ALL IN for a couple of weeks?
Let them test out whether the virus is in the room, and let it do it's thing.
And if only their cell phones and lines could be blocked, so they weren't able to call out for an ambulance, and take up valuable hospital space from far more deserving victims.
(39 posts)because the Department of Health said so.
(2,510 posts)Go figure.
(11,618 posts)Or drive drunk, or not wear seat belts or wear motorcycle helmets (in states that have motorcycle helmet laws, Minnesota doesn't), or drive a car with missing lights etc.
(28,698 posts)laws taking away their free-dums. I'd also bet that quite a few of them still don't use them all the time. (And still drive drunk.)
(11,618 posts)luv2fly
(2,510 posts)They are stupid fuckheads and assholes.
can't forget that one
(76 posts)my brother is one, he wouldn't go to bar, but would drive 50 miles thru ice to get the stuff.
(9,090 posts)doesn't cause cancer told them covid is a hoax and they believe him.......
hartman reads off a list of COVID related health horrors on 1 station for every 20 stations that carry Limbaugh and hannity, who have been telling them it's a hoax
and i'lll bet one or more local rw radio blowhards cheer on those owners to further endear themselves to the dittohead nation
(7,930 posts)Ignoring RW hate radio has been the D's biggest mistake for sure.
We laughed at Trump coming down the escalator, "HA! He has to pay people to come listen to him so the room won't appear empty. This will never catch on or go anywhere". Me too, I laughed.
But the quote attributed to P.T. Barnum was correct.
(463 posts)Locrian
(4,523 posts)"Youve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know
(and yes I know there are smart people in those states - just referring to these guys).
(3,482 posts)A comorbidity convention!
We are seeing Darwin theory playing out!
Roy Rolling
(7,266 posts)Most of those people are hopeless drug addicts of alcohol. They use freedom as an excuse to hide their addiction.
So, yeah, theyre assholes. They have an addiction that needs feeding every minute and they take enormous risks to satisfy it. And in the process, make those around them victims of an addicts behavior.
Alcohol outlets are essential to an addict. Otherwise, thered be protests that all the libraries and bookstores are closed.
(11,618 posts)It's all about demonstrating their ideology and stupidity and a don't-give-a-fuck attitude towards those more vulnerable that they may (and in many cases will) spread it to either directly or through a chain of subsequent infections.
Speaking of the vulnerable, in MN, 65% of Covid deaths so far have been in long-term care and assisted living facilities.
(54,388 posts)white people they would act differently? Since almost all the GOP reps and WH staff have escaped serious medical trauma, do they believe it's just the flu? Do they just accept long term health issues aren't going to impact them in the future?
(17,566 posts)But killing more white people wouldnt matter because they just dont care about others.
Trueblue Texan
(3,213 posts)...is withholding vaccine. They did this with PPE too, remember? This is the way the logic goes regarding withholding the vaccine: Only the Dems are going to be upset by it. Half of Republicans don't believe the virus is dangerous and more than half of them don't plan to take it. Who's left? the Dems. Owning the Dems. That's what it's all about. They are murderers. They should be held to account.
(15,176 posts)Seriously, the greatest generation that fought the Second World War must be spinning in its grave over these whiny little snowflakes who are so selfish that they are willing to allow others to die rather than be inconvenienced in any little way.
These people don't even seem to be Americans. Or maybe they have forgotten how.
(3,725 posts)progree
(11,618 posts)Our hours: Monday-Thursday 10:30am-3pm and every Friday from 8pm-11pm for an event.
Is this the only enforcement there will be? (She doesn't have a liquor license since October 2019 and I don't know for sure whether she is serving alcohol, but does have a busy bar area according to some videos she's posted. Southwest Health & Human Services rescinded her food license but a vote of the board of that organization a couple or so days later gave her license back).
With a GoFundme page and right-wing media including nationally highlighting her place as a great cause for FREEDUMB, $250/day should be easily manageable for them.
Judge Sara Grewing of the Ramsey County District Court is the one that ruled against her yesterday or was it the 16th.
I don't know if or how I can search the court website for anything that indicates possible $250/day fine, it looks daunting or impossible to search and even less likely to find that info.
Oh, to be clear, Havens Garden in Lynd is a different restaurant / bar? then the one pictured in the OP (that's Alibi's in Lakeville)
(11,618 posts)
6 suspects indicted in alleged conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, MPR, 12/17/20
(11,618 posts)Last edited Wed Dec 23, 2020, 01:19 PM - Edit history (4)
https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2020/12/22/virtual-hearing-held-for-lakeville-bar-that-defied-governors-order/A virtual hearing was held Tuesday morning for a Lakeville bar that opened last week in defiance of Gov. Tim Walzs executive order halting indoor dining.
Last Wednesday, Alibi Drinkery was packed with customers standing shoulder-to-shoulder, blatantly in defiance of the governors order in response to a surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
At the virtual hearing Tuesday morning, it was learned that attorney Michael Padden, who is representing the bars co-owner, Lisa Zarza, filed a brief in the case. Judge Jerome Abrams said he had not yet had time to read the brief, but said the state could reply as soon as Tuesday evening.
Alibi Drinkery is currently closed and is following the restraining order. It was one of a number of restaurants and bars that Ellison sued for defying the governors executive order. The establishments moved to open last week after it was learned the restrictions would be expended until Jan. 11.
Another hearing on Alibi Drinkery is slated for Wednesday morning.
Surprising - the Havens Garden owner (Larvita McFarquhar) visited Alibi's and their owner (Lisa Zarza), video recorded a big rah rah of defiance on Saturday (the link below works, just click the first part of it).
The blonde lady with the long ponytail, Lisa Zarza, is the owner of Alibi's. The black lady with the gray cap is Larvita McFarquhar, the owner of Haven's Garden.
So am surprised the owner of Alibi's folded like a cheap suit. After all that endless blather about FREEDOM and THIS IS AMERICA and THE CONSTITUTION and yada. (not in this particular video, but in others).
Latest posting on Alibi's Facebook Page as of 12/23 11am
Gee, it only takes a moment to write and post a couple of sentences, perhaps with a link.
Haven's Garden is still open as of Dec 22. UPDATE: is open as of 1148 am Dec 23. and will be Monday thru Friday indefinitely, including this Christmas week. Because FREEDOM. And nobody is forcing you to come, so if you're afraid, stay in your mother's basement (according to various posters on the FB page, in fairness not her, she hasn't said anything like that. But anyway no thought about who the people who do go to super-spreader events like this might spread the disease to in the community)
I added more photos to the OP:
More photos made at the same time (well worth the click). I have to laugh at some media reports that "many not wearing a mask". NONE are.
Click the arrow on the right side of the picture (and midway between top and bottom) to see 2 more photos.