University of Minnesota may change the way it lobbies for state funding
With control of both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature shifting to Republicans, the University of Minnesota may have to change the way it lobbies the state for funds.
Legislators have expressed mixed views about the University’s prospects for state lobbying next session. Republicans say they will give the University adequate attention, but DFLers have expressed pessimism that Republican lawmakers will prioritize higher education.
And at many other Big Ten schools with Republican-controlled legislatures in recent years, state funding has been cut.
“If I were the University of Minnesota, considering what happened to its budget in a Republican-controlled House, considering … what happened to the higher [education] budget the last time the Republicans controlled both houses, I think I’d buckle up,” said Rep. Gene Pelowski, DFL-Winona and member of the House higher education committee. “The last time this happened, it wasn’t good for higher ed.”
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