Gov. Dayton offers rebate plan amid battle over health insurance market
Gov. Mark Dayton unveiled a plan Thursday to blunt soaring health insurance premiums, as politicians in both parties scramble to respond to the crisis in Minnesota’s individual health insurance market.
With just a week and a half until Election Day, Democrats and Republicans are rolling out proposal after proposal to help the roughly 5 percent of Minnesotans who get their insurance on the individual market. They’re also accusing each other of not taking the problem seriously, part of a battle to win the votes of Minnesotans concerned about health care with control of the Legislature up for grabs.
Just one day after Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt said Dayton was “literally playing politics” over health care, Dayton said Republicans “are now trying to maximize their political advantages” by attacking the Affordable Care Act.
The battle matters given the current divided control of the Legislature. Even if one party takes both chambers in the Nov. 8 election, the current body of lawmakers will remain in office for the remainder of the year — and all sides agree a solution can’t wait until January.
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