Trump loses support of Minnesota GOP leaders
For months, Republican U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen remained elusive when pressed on whether he would support presidential nominee Donald Trump.
On Saturday, in the aftermath of a 2005 video surfacing of Trump making lewd remarks about groping women, he let rip.
Paulsen called the comments “disgusting and offensive,” ultimately concluding, “I will not be voting for him.”
Paulsen, a four-term congressman, is in one of the tightest races in the country, one that has the attention of Democrats nationwide. Paulsen’s rival, Democratic state Sen. Terri Bonoff, immediately denounced Trump’s remarks. She has worked for months to tie Paulsen to Trump, saying his previous refusal to take a stand is the same as supporting Trump.
Former GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty added his voice to the growing ranks of Republican governors who have said they could no longer support Trump.
“He is unsound, uninformed, unhinged and unfit to be president of the United States, and I am withdrawing my support for him,” said Pawlenty, who briefly ran for president four years ago.
Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, called for Trump to step aside.
But Emmer and Mills still support him.
Bonoff, or, rather, the DCCC will now have to scrap her ads tying Paulsen to Trump.