Related: About this forumA friend of ours was upset. A parent is going to vote for Trump
Later I asked my spouse why and the answer was that the parent is from N. Dakota and has never voted for a Democrat.
And this is why some think, hope? that Minnesota is turning purple that, as Emmer said, it could be at least a battle ground state. Many of our neighbors in the suburb are form the Dakotas, Iowa and are Republicans.
They, as the former speaker, come to Minnesota for the good schools and the jobs but are not willing to continue to support this tradition.

(113,131 posts)because they just don't understand they get only what they're willing to pay for.
I had a parent from Indiana who loved the illusion of tax cuts, even though he grudgingly admitted that pennies in Federal cuts were made up in dollars of state and local tax rises. The last Democrat he voted for was Adlai Stevenson.
In 2004, his last election, he announced out of the blue he was voting for Kerry. I was too busy picking my lower jaw up off the floor to ask him any questions about that, but he'd already complained about the Smear Boat campaign. As a vet, he found it distasteful.
Strange things can happen when the Republicans run disastrous candidates. Maybe it took my dad 4 years, but he finally realized Stupid was, well, stupid and incompetent.
(11,626 posts)father used his influence to get him into a champagne unit of the Texas Air National Guard that had almost no chance of seeing combat, and then GWB went AWOL, or somehow managed to get out of it.
Kerry volunteered for swift boats which were small boats that went up and down the rivers of S. Vietnam, and the sailors went into the bush too. Possibly naval aviator was more dangerous as far as Navy jobs, but that's the only one that was close.
Anyway, your father wasn't the only vet that was insulted by Kerry's service being smeared as easy and trivial and even cowardly somehow (and with the bandaids making fun of his injuries and all that), while GWB was considered to have served his country honorably if not with great distinction. And people really believed that narrative (including my sister I think).
(28,699 posts)was the "Time" article about the "Good Life in Minnesota"
It encouraged all sorts of riff raff to move here for the good life, but they aren't willing to continue to pay for the things that make it good here.