HuffPost: How Minnesota Democrats Passed A Raft Of Progressive Legislation With A 1-Seat Majority
Party unity and a political rebound years in the making produced the “Minnesota Miracle 2.0.”
President Joe Biden spent his first two years in office with unified control of the federal government, only to see Democrats’ bare-bones majorities in the U.S. House and Senate significantly limit his legislative agenda on everything from climate to gun control to protecting abortion rights.
Minnesota Democrats entered this year’s legislative session in a similar situation. Last fall, they won control of the state’s executive branch, House and Senate — a legislative “trifecta” — but with only a one-seat majority in the upper chamber. The results were much different: The party accomplished a generation’s worth of liberal reforms in just four months, vaulting the state to the forefront of progressive policymaking.
Minnesota now offers 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, the opportunity for any resident to buy into Medicaid, free public college tuition for low- and middle-income families, a new child tax credit for those families, free breakfast and lunch for all public school students, driver’s licenses for all residents regardless of their immigration status, and stronger protections for workers seeking to unionize.
Take a deep breath — there’s more coming.
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