Related: About this forumMultiple armed gunmen storm Michigan's State House, State police are protecting @GovWhitmer...
and blocking the gunmen from gaining access to the house floor.
This is America in the age of Trump.
Link to tweet
The fuck?!

Response to demmiblue (Original post)
Post removed
(6,760 posts)have southern roots when their relatives came to Michigan to work in the plants.
(6,012 posts)There are jerks everywhere.
(59,174 posts)Roc2020
(1,720 posts)will lose, and lose badly. I for one am looking forward to these terrorists get what's coming to them.
C Moon
(12,736 posts)Roc2020
(1,720 posts)
(15,888 posts)An armed insurrection..........I will be startled if the Police arrest anyone......
An in your face act of Sedition........
(19,439 posts)little old grannies and the disabled in Washington. But Trump's terrorists have free rein?
(42 posts)And no one who supports him will hold him accountable. But it's a good thought.
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)Call out the National Guard.
(153,135 posts)This is definitely getting out of hand.
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)The press would be calling it a coup.
(11,256 posts)If this happened in ANY Red State and it was armed Democrats storming the state Capital where a RepubliCon politician was attending....they would be shot dead by the police on the capital steps before ever reaching the building.....
(The RepubliCONs would all claim "National Security," don't you know..........)LOL
(12,309 posts)We have the right to peaceably assemble. This is anything but peaceful.
(581 posts)They should have called in local police and SWAT and arrested all of them for breaching security and threatening the governor.
Response to spudspud (Reply #32)
GemDigger This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,684 posts)Quietly arrest them when they leave. Go after the organizer....
The Figment
(494 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)sorry to spam the threads on this, but this here needs to be said.
(308 posts)if poc run around with gun they are called thugs and shot by police.whites they have the right to fight for freedom etc
(7,613 posts)yet only because of their entitled position in the American scheme of things, they will get a pass. And anyone of them would shoot Governor Whitmer without a seconds thought
(1,585 posts)We've seen some of this shit in Kansas, too. It's insane.
(8,008 posts)Holy Shit the right has finally popped....
(6,261 posts)spudspud
(581 posts)they'll start killing folks eventually.
(42 posts)Attempting the overthrow of our legally elected government.
(15,805 posts)Are UN peacekeeping troops, or are NATO allies on the way to safeguard the legal, democratically elected government and preserve the rule of law?
(53,544 posts)tclambert
(11,156 posts)I'll give you a hint: It's the person absolutely responsible for this.
(12,388 posts)The media needs to remind people of his tweet about liberating the states and specifically mentioning the second amendment. I doubt they will. Im really fed up with much of the media these days.
(32,343 posts)and every goddamn one of the Republican Senators who refused to convict the impeached a$$hole.
(95,920 posts)March their asses outside.
(2,299 posts)Government cheese Goebbels is both responsible for this and also totally irresponsible.
(626 posts)should be arrested for sedition.
(10,764 posts)Drone strikes. They want to work, bus em to the meat packing plants and fields of crops. One person with a gun in the Kentucky State house while Mitch is there, would leave a blood stain, where that person stood.
(19,439 posts)"bus 'em to the meat packing plants and fields of crops". As we used to say when we were young, "fuckin' A, bubba".
(10,764 posts)During my Navy stint, everything had a fuckin A at the end. I have not heard that in a while. If my daughter was not a Trauma nurse I would say let all those ass holes out into the world with no PPE and suffer like the 61 thousand plus did. Freedumb, liberty, tyrannical gubment, give me my damn socialist check. They are all safe, just a hoax, they washed in the blood of Jesus. Let Hannity, Ingram, Limpballs, Pence and Jarod join em. Ashamed I served for THIS shit hole country GOP have created.
(1,665 posts)to bus them to the fields and meat packing plants. And pay them minimum wage, no PPE and no benefits.
Moscow Mitch has to go.
(91 posts)Most field workers make way below minimum wage.
(73,525 posts)Let's see how tough these "warrior patriots" are when they against armed and TRAINED
police, state highway patrol, US marshals, or the national guard.
BTW it is Vlad Putin who is pulling their chains. And they are a minority of a minority egged
on by Trump, Fox News, and Vlad Putin via social media.
Plus they are getting their heads filled with crap from 2 new right wing TV networks ...
news max and OAN.
This lock down is vii-oooh-lating my constitutional rights and it is the work of liberal
big gub-errr-mint socialists who want my gunz.
Ferrets are Cool
(2,419 posts)Thanks for remembering them!!!! They were treated so badly and these isurrectionists should be in jail!
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)kimbutgar
(24,478 posts)Then they need to close off the streets near the capitol building for the time being and bring in the states National guards. Because if was black people theyve have the tanks out now.
(2,419 posts)Lock them up! If they are not arrested, there will be more and more of this! As others have said, if these guys were Black it would be a different story! I am quite frightened.
(14,887 posts)since day one. He thinks he can stay in power with a bunch of yahoo whackos doing his bidding.
(2,536 posts)and they've got all these awful weapons
(23,152 posts)They'd all probably be beaten to a pulp.
(24,310 posts)I think theyd be dead.
(18,368 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)..in this video? It looks ot me as if there are. Unarmed. Just shouting.
(3,082 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)Kaiserguy
(740 posts)If you bring a gun you get it taken away and never get to own one again. Let them bitch but it should have been stop along time ago. You can protest all you want but you can't bring a gun.
(12,309 posts)These are terrorists and should be regarded as such. The national guard does not negotiate with terrorists.
Janet Reno would not have tolerated this.
Scalded Nun
(1,363 posts)ewagner
(18,967 posts)IronLionZion
(48,013 posts)
(31,893 posts)dajoki
(10,681 posts)send them all to gitmo.
(8,251 posts)
(22,018 posts)Ford_Prefect
(8,285 posts)there were only the ones you see in the video. A few dozen noisy white snowflakes who don't respect any of the other people to whom "The People's House" actually refers, including those whose lives are on the line right now.
(1,751 posts)It will happen. Maybe nationally but for sure locally in the snake pits (sorry snakes) of the Cult of tRUMP. Swing states beware. This guy is gonna try to burn down the house on his way out.
(73,759 posts)The best supremacy there is.
Ain't no better
(10,232 posts)McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)trueblue2007
(18,395 posts)TERRORISTS
#TrumpsATerrorist #LockTrumpUp
(3,741 posts)middle aged, fat, beards, decked out in tactical gear, guns ... AND WHITE. My guess is that their weenies don't work so much anymore and they want to take it out on the rest of us.
(18,876 posts)If this isn't nipped in the bud. People are going to get murdered by these irrational, entitled, authoritarian Trump-humping gun pumpers.
(15,558 posts)Deal with them in the same manner as if it were your local Walmart.
(561 posts)Trump said publicly to Pence, he didn't have to call her back because she wasn't "nice". He really hates women who speak up. She wasn't being nasty, just honest, fighting for the people in her state. He has been so supportive of these thugs, with their guns, Trump/Pence signs, confederate flags, Nazi paraphernalia, encouraging them with his tweets because "they like me". Sickening and dangerous. I'm scared for her.
(388 posts)Wouldn't This Be Interesting if they were arrested, tried and sentenced to a year and a day in State Prison; then they would not be able to own a firearm. Arrest and try the Bastards!!!
George II
(67,782 posts)noneof_theabove
(410 posts)my uncle, a good south texas old redneck, long before today's bullshit
said we would have another civil war and not about whites/blacks but
everyone against everyone else.
This was the early 1970's.
He had is guns responsibly
National sheet shooter
I remember his "hand cannon" 333 Winchester magnum rifle for elk in Colorado
Still have the "L" scar in my right eyebrow
I was like 16 and he is big and stock that he had to get his head out of the way
as it is coming back and you can't stop it.
Many fun times and "learning experiences"
(2,949 posts)When the republicans made open carry legal almost everywhere in Michigan. I think Whitmer handled it correctly, any forceful response would have given the thugs the press they wanted.
(19 posts)This scene is the first time where it's really hit home just how much shit we're in as a country. I knew before, I did. I knew this election is the most important in our history. I knew that if we can't find a way to get Biden elected, this country will not recover. I really believe this.
Now I wonder if we're passed the point of no return. What will happen when Trump loses? It's going to be much worse than this I fear and I fear there will be bloodshed. I hope I am wrong. These people are dirtbags and dirtbags don't lose their dirt.
My wife and I planned on trying to have our first child in the next several months. We're at the point where there's a conversation happening if this is a country we want to bring a child into right now.
(577 posts)Soon they will be flooding social media with the governor's photo with crosshairs on it.
(5,276 posts)Apologies to Sinclair Lewis for my reworking a bit the title Of Sinclair Lewiss book.
30+ years of slurping up the rants of Fox News, Limbaugh, etc have brought us these crazed Far Right foaming at the mouth Neo Nazi Types.
I have a number of videos involving WW2, including the lead up to that war. One is the rise of Nazi Germany followed by the Fall. The rise is not very dissimilar to whats going on here, and other countries, right now.
We better win all three branches and work on defusing the crazies.