'I just need you to trust me. Please.' Lions coach Dan Campbell's speeches are legendary.
'I just need you to trust me. Please.' Lions coach Dan Campbell's speeches are legendary.
Mike Freeman
It's not unusual for NFL players to tune out head coaches when they give speeches to the team. Many times, players just don't care. They've heard it all. Speeches don't move them. There are exceptions to this and one of them is a big one, a 6 feet 5 one, and that exception is named Dan Campbell.
Maybe it's because the Lions coach was a longtime NFL player. Maybe because Campbell looks like he could still play. Or maybe it's because Campbell isn't the meathead some of us thought he was, but actually someone who gets what human beings need to hear, who understands what makes a heart pump, and a mind focus.
Yes, that press conference speech was, well, insane. But since then, each time I see a Campbell speech, I want to run through numerous walls. Or fly. Or go to the gym and punch something. Or get punched. Well maybe not get punched, but you understand. In his speeches, Campbell cries. He laughs. He curses. He yells. He prophesizes. Sometimes, he speaks softly and carries a big quip.
What Campbell does mostly is inspire his team. The Lions are in the NFC championship game because they are talented, well coached and fierce. But they are also here because of Campbell's words. He's come a long way since The Meathead Speech and developed into one of the best head coach orators in the NFL. Yes, he's that good. ...............(more)