Boston Globe endorses Markey, Lowell Sun endorses Lynch - Third debate yesterday - Fourth today
No surprise with these endorsements. RW papers have consistently shown their preference for Lynch. I totally expect the Boston Herald to follow suite.
This said, yesterday debate was unnerving. While I did not hear Lynch say anything that would change my mind in his favor, he was very aggressive (in my opinion, overly agressive, but as people will not see the debate, but hear the sound bites, he is the one who is getting the more media) and you could only wish that Markey was better prepared for the first sets of questions. I am sure he voted NO to these bills because they were faulty, but it did not really transpire in his answers. (while Lynch continues his campaign of "I am Scott Brown with a Democratic flavor).
Hopefully, the debate today in Springfield will do better (Please somebody tells Markey where Western Mass is before the debate...Clue: Not Worcester).
And today is the last debate in Springfield.