Two western Mass. mayors endorse ballot Question 4, psychedelics
WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Two local mayors publicly endorsed question 4 on the ballot Monday morning.
Mayor Will Reichelt of West Springfield and Mayor Joshua Garcia of Holyoke announced their support for the initiative. The aim is to legalize and regulate three different natural plants and two types of mushrooms for limited use by adults over 21 years old.
Mayor Reichelt explained his support for the new law, “There is proof out there that this does at the same time help people with PTSD with substance abuse disorders like marijuana did too, and we legalized that, we brought it here. West Springfield was a little late to the game, but it came and these scary prospects talked about didn’t happen.”
The law would also allow people to grow the plants and mushrooms at home in a 12 by 12 room, which some say would create an unregulated market for these psychedelics.