Hogan Panel Proposes New Congressional Map -- Which Dems Are Likely to Ignore
((P.S. Don't know how we can ignore it.))
'The state commission tasked with drawing new congressional boundaries for the 2020 election adopted a map on Friday.
While Maryland’s current congressional map is wildly contorted and in the eyes of many begs for a wholesale redrawing, Maryland’s Emergency Commission on 6th District Gerrymandering, created by Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R), had a narrow charge: to fix the problems identified by a federal court last year.
During their work-session on Friday, members of the panel decided to focus primarily on the line between the 8th District, currently represented by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D), and the 6th, the seat now held by freshman Rep. David J. Trone (D). Their plan will be subject to two public hearings and will be used as the basis for legislation that Hogan plans to introduce in the final days of the General Assembly session.
The map the commission chose was created by Stephen Wolf, staff writer at Daily Kos. His twitter profile (@PoliticsWolf) lists his interests as “voting rights, redistricting, maps and poli sci.”'>>>