Related: About this forumTop Democratic Senator Issues A Warning About War With N. Korea That Every America Should Read.
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, explained to the American people that contrary to Trump's bluster, war with North Korea would not be quick or glorious.
*Unlike Trump, Sen. Cardin knows what he is talking about. A war with North Korea would be a slog that could go on for months at a minimum and drain US military resources around the world. The US military, South Korean military, and civilian casualties would be massive. It is estimated by military experts that an invasion of North Korea would require a huge ground force commitment. War with North Korea would make Iraq and Afghanistan look like childs play.
The problem with trying to use surgical strikes is that the US doesnt know where all of North Koreas nuclear facilities are. There is no easy out once America decides to engage militarily on the Korean Peninsula.
Trump may have been talking tough to make himself feel like a big man, but this isnt The Apprentice. The stakes are nothing less than a total war the likes of which the United States hasnt seen since Vietnam.'

(69,314 posts)Thank God...
(14,359 posts)We wouldn't be fighting "The North Koreans" but, also, Russia and China as well. My dad said there was a dark joke common around then. "Today, our side lost a thousand, the other side lost 100,000. We'll lose because we'll run out of soldiers first."
Frankly, I don't think anyone is taking trump's bluster seriously anyway (except the press, which pimps everything way out of proportion to keep viewers watching their ads.) Kim's statements are already dismissed as the usual sabre rattling that always emanates from the DPRK.
(13,784 posts)Thanks, Trump.
(15,805 posts)The Republicans hold both chambers of Congress. Most of them won't even talk to a Democrat, let alone agree with them to stop Trump. That isn't likely to change any time soon, so Trump will only become crazier by the day.
(22,290 posts)I expect 45's solution involves few soldiers and many split atoms....
He said "They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen... "
Considering Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and quite a number of tests, the world has seen a lot of fire and fury.
(12,524 posts)"fire and fury like the world has never seen" could also be a cigarette.
(9,866 posts).....a war like Viet Nam. It will be Nuclear. Because NK's Dear Leader will behave like Jim Jones and strike with
Atom bombs rather than be defeated in any way. He'll take his whole country with him and along the way, strike Washington DC or, as I hear on the news--New York City or LA and SF.
We have not been attacked on our shores since the British invaded.
(22,290 posts)But nonetheless, I agree; if there is a conflict, they'll likely bring out the nukes--at least if the reality matches the rhetoric.
(9,866 posts)I realize I've always seen that as a direct provocation, because Hawaii didn't become a state until the late 50's--like shooting one of our planes out of the sky, rather that an attack on the USA. But no---it really was a direct attack.