Lots of information on racism and white supremacy at the college campuses across Maryland.

Richard Collins III
IN THE immediate aftermath of Collins' murder, University of Maryland Police Department Chief David Mitchell claimed there was no indication that race played a role.
This quickly changed when students and the press went through Urbanski's Facebook page and discovered that he belonged to a group called "Alt-Reich: Nation." The page, which has since been taken down, was full of xenophobic, sexist and racist content and seems to indicate that this attack was racially motivated.
This murder is the culmination of a racist atmosphere on campus that began rising in response to Donald Trump's racist presidential campaign and has only gotten worse since the election.
Beginning in spring 2016, the "Terps for Trump" student group chalked campus sidewalks calling for the deportation of undocumented immigrants, the construction of a border wall and various coded racist statements.
More at https://socialistworker.org/2017/05/24/this-student-was-murdered-by-the-alt-right