Related: About this forumNever though I would see this in the United States.
To me it looks like Trump's supporters have decided to eliminate people who have criticized or opposed him. I wonder how long it will be before they decide to burn a neighbors home or even kill him or her because they spoke ill of Trump. This may sound paranoid but think about it. Many of his supporters are as radical as the Islamic terrorists we are supposed to fear. The daily occurrence of harassment, threats and assaults by Trump supporters is escalating. Trump seems to encourage the worst in people. These people feel they have his blessing and he has given them the right to behave in a way that was denounced by civilized people long ago.

(7,888 posts)Our President is adored in Russia, North Korea and wherever bigots rule. I am ashamed that we (the collective we includes those who do not vote) unleashed this monster.
(17,731 posts)The land mass of Brazil in South America equals the land mass of the entire United States.
That ain't no small country.
They just had an election there,.. the FASCISTS won that recent Presidential election.
(17,731 posts)... and maybe the Senate the Nazi Fascists are going to go bonkers. trDump will whip things up internally by stoking rabid domestic nationalism and externally on the international diplomatic front Bolton will start beating the drums and rattling the sabers of war. Thus making the King of Orange a war president in all his frothing glory. Then the Nazis, the Fascists, and the warmongers will come out in force to become full fledged trDump jackbooted brown shirts.
Once Mattis is gone, Erik Prince then privatizes the Afghan and Iraq Wars, and trDump gains a firm grip on the American war machine - the Nazis, the Fascists, and finally the warmongers on his side and under trDump's beck and call and total control - who knows where the mad Generalissimo the Fascist Oligarchic trDump will then lead America.
We had best better have a contingency plan in place before hand - if trDump gathers this band of angry Fascist Hessians to March under the trDump Royal Coat of Arms and we sit back and do nothing - bye bye rapidly and with great haste the America we have come to love, know, and cherish - because American Democracy will be only a quaint, passing, and distant memory that was allowed to slip on by.
We will not be magically out of the woods come election day - that may be the day the Fascists formerly sign their Declaration of War against Liberal Democracy and inflict what they hope to be the final death nell that seeks to permanently crush it once and for all.
Remain vigilant - what they seek is an Authoritarian Fascist Oligarchic - Extreme Right Wing Orthodox Dominionist Reconstructionist Theocracy. They have marshaled their forces and are damn close to achieving that result. This close to achieving their end game - they are not going to sit back as we endeavor to over throw their regime and dismantle their firm grip they have over all branches of our government.
Fasten your seat belt and strap on your crash helmet - it is bound to be a bumpy and stomach churning ride just ahead.
It is bound to be nauseating - have your barf bag handy. This ain't going to be a walk in the park to look at the pretty flowers and feed the swans and the squirrels.
We have to herd up the Fascists and lock them back up in the box - from which trDump opened and allowed them to roam free and escape.
Rampant Fascism and Liberal American Democracy are a toxic and explosive mix.
old man 76
(228 posts)I am ready if you are.
(17,731 posts)

(35,705 posts)not exactly sure if this would apply
either way, i still think trump should be arrested
(2,809 posts)What was said in levity 20 years ago now restated with conviction.
I can't even imagine how Fox and hate media are going to play recent events off, and frankly, don't want to lest I lose my lunch. We are so far into this hateful red hatted madness now, we all can only hope some good comes and soon.
(1,588 posts)Same here. I never thought I'd see the country come to this. I live in Florida, not far from the nut job that was picked up recently that said he was wanting to kill liberals in their sleep at night and threatened government officials on Facebook. He was picked up by the Polk County Sheriff. My wife is Canadian by birth and I'm trying to convince her to let's pick up and move to Canada. She should be able to move back and get me in too. I don't even like to go out any more for fear some idiot will get mad at the check out line because I have a 12 pack of beer in the 10 items or less isle and starts shooting up the place. This is not the country I grew up in. I didn't even recognize over half my classmates from Ohio when I went back to my last high school reunion and how they had become so radicalized over Trump. You never would have known then as the idealistic youth they were when we were in high school. This is a scary country...
The Liberal Lion
(1,414 posts)You are seeing things for exactly what they are. Lucky for us we have history as a guide, unfortunately we are repeating now the worst part of last century's history. Stay strong, stay aware, stay ready.