Related: About this forumvoter restriction
The Brunswick times record had an editorial about voter restriction being done by the republican party and how successful they have been. Every democrat and independent should read this article and pass it on. It also tells how in every race they have taken the least votes of the two major parties. to me this is why they are the minority because they lately have been the party of deceit! How can you declare what a great patriot you are while trying to keep fellow Americans from voting so you can steal an election? just how un-american can they get and not be exposed? I think it's time to show them for what they have become,not what they once were!

old man 76
(228 posts)You know Lucky stealing elections by rigging the districts was not good enough so now they have the Republican judges on the Supreme Court allowing them to buy elections also.
(15,438 posts)Restriction doesn't have a negative connotation with the majority of people since they believe in rules and laws (Teabaggers excluded, of course), so it's incumbent upon us to continue to correct any Op-Ed or article that tries to slyly change the word for what's really happening into a "kinder, gentler" one that won't have peoples' radars up and sharp and what would only work to the advantage of Republican propagandists.
Also, a link would be helpful.
Thanks and and rec'd!
(3,880 posts)since when is restricting a voters right patriotic? a sign of democracy or a moral obligation assigned by the constitution? actually it's against everything that stands for freedom ! un american and probably thought up by a right wing commie lawyer that the mafia didn't think sharp enough to hire!(ha ha) just an opinion!
probably has the mind set of a Karl rove! def,. approved by the black gold,Texas tea or as the native Texans call them the Texas mafia YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN THE PUPPET MAKERS!
(16,149 posts)luckyleftyme2