Cutler: "Heads would roll" at DHHS if he were governor (Bangor Daily News)
In a lively media release,
independent candidate for governor Eliot Cutler urged Republican Gov. Paul LePage to fire high-level officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, saying the department is wracked by
“a culture of irresponsibility and an embarrassing epidemic of mismanagement.”
Cutler referenced several controversies around DHHS this year, including a document shredding scandal at the CDC; a failed contract for MaineCare transportation services, a federal decertification at the Riverview Psychiatric Center that triggered a $20 million reduction in funding; and a controversial $925,000 contract for an out-of-state consultant to study the state’s welfare system — the results of which have come under fire by Democrats and advocates in and out of Maine.
In response to Cutler’s comments,
U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud, a former state Senate president and the Democratic candidate for governor, said it’s LePage that should be held accountable for problems at DHHS.
“If we want a state government that works and a DHHS that puts people above ideology, we need a new governor,” Michaud said.
“I’m the only candidate in this race who has a proven track record of bringing people together and who has the experience to fix the problems the current governor has created. Gov. LePage is responsible for the failures at DHHS. He’s the one who should be held accountable.”"