The other six days
Next Thursday people will celebrate Thanks Giving. I have noticed people making a lot of charitable contribution. Some donate their time, money or other forms of giving and this is a great way of sharing with others less fortunate. The holidays always brings out the best in people. I also think about what an old man in the Midwest said to me years ago. It was a Sunday morning and he asked if I was on my way to church. I answered no I was not a good church going person in spite of my mother’s good intentions. He replied no matter you can go to church every Sunday and still not save your soul, its’ what you do the other six days that count. When we have people not going hungry, having warm secure shelter and an opportunity to live a productive life we can be thankful. When all people can have health care regardless of income and higher education and training will be within the reach of all young people we can be proud and thankful. When we have a government that works for the people without division and gridlock we can be thankful. It is my hope that after the holidays everyone will continue to work at making this a country a place for every one regardless of race, religion, gender or income, and that we may have a country where we build more school and universities and less prisons. A country where people can work together at building a future that has something for everyone and not just what is good for me. This is a lot to ask but remember what you do rest of the years or the other six days will make the world we live in. May you all have a good Thanks giving.