Related: About this forumLosing MaineCare Dec. 31 and unless I am mistaken, *too poor* for Federal ACA assistance
needless to say I am even less pleased with our stupid idiot Tea Governor than I was before

(19,150 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 23, 2013, 10:25 AM - Edit history (1)
"The Affordable Care Act originally sought make health insurance more accessible in two ways: through a new online markplace that offers federal subsidies, and with a federally-subsidized Medicaid expansion. A Supreme Court ruling allowed states to choose whether or not to expand Medicaid, and Maine is one of 26 states that has opted out. It's creating a coverage gap, where an estimated 25,000 Mainers earn too much to be on Medicaid, but too little to qualify for a subsidy under the Affordable Care Act. Patty Wight has more."Jerry Robichaud is a book seller. He's 62, and his income is less than the federal poverty level of $11,400 dollars. For a little more than 10 years, Robichaud has received health coverage through MaineCare, the state Medicaid program.
"Because of state cuts to the program, that's about to change. "I got the notice a couple weeks ago that it was going to shut off December 31st," he says.
"Robichaud says what also hurts is that he doesn't qualify for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. So, he can't afford coverage. "If anything happens and you need medical help, what am I supposed to do, you know?" he says."
(13,506 posts)The only plausible explanation is that his total family income (including spouse) brings him up above the subsidy level.
As a Pennsylvanian, I completely agree with you that these republican refusenik governors are a scourge.
I'm a family caregiver, not disabled myself, and I have no children and am not pregnant. I've had MaineCare for about 10 years but they recently changed the rules and are throwing me and others like me off of the program. If our stupid tea governor hadn't refused millions in federal ACA $$$ I am sure I and thousands of others wouldn't be losing our maine medicaid in December.
(19,150 posts)that's what came up for me from the ACA website this morning, and seems to be confirmed by the article from MPBN
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)Call the TV stations, BDN, and Press Herald first.
(19,150 posts)chewie 8
(1 post)I am a female, 38 years old and have applied for SSDI/SSI well over 3 years ago. I have been on MaineCare 2 full years but just got a notification that I will lose it December 31st. I feel like I am being discrimated against because I have no children. I have been pregnant 5 times and lost all 5. I can't have a viable pregnancy and therefore had to have my tubes tied.
I called DHS and they told me to fill out disability paperwork to get into another program but after 3 week was denied. I have been seeing a MD at Acadia Hospital for 2 years, I have been going to counseling for 1 year. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, Bi-Polar, depression/anxiety, social phobia, sleep disorder and borderline personality disorder. I am taking 4 medications for this Lithium, Lamictal, Topomax and a new medication strictly for bi-polar Latuda. Just these meds alone are over $1000 a month. I just got diagnosed with low thyroid and am on Synthroid. All these meds have to be taken for the rest of my life. I have NO income, I have a lawyer who says I am disabled, but DHHS out of Augusta says I am not disabled to get me on another program for MaineCare. I am appealing this decision but don't know where to turn for help. I couldn't even get public assistance because I didn't have an income and my mother owns a home and has an income, even though legally she isn't responsible for my bills.
I don't know what to do. I am really desperate. I can't go off these meds cold turkey and don't see if forced back to work that I can pay for these medications and live too. Please can anyone out here tell me where to go for help. I have my hearing 2/3/2014 for SSDI/SSI but it doesn't look hopeful I will be approved. What do I need to do have my arms, legs and head cut off to have someone listen to me?
(24,298 posts)GreenPartyVoter
(73,246 posts)several conditions that would qualify you for it.
Does Pine Tree legal offer assistance for these kinds of cases? I hope you can find some help navigating through this. *hug*
P. S. I have not heard of Latuda before. Is it helping? I've done Lamictal and Tegretol for my bipolar 2. They helped some, but the depression is always with me.
(19,150 posts)Childless Adults below 100% FPL who lose MaineCare in January 2014 will have fewer options. These adults cannot get Transitional Medicaid. They will not qualify for subsidies in the new health insurance Marketplace.
This is because Congress intended that very low-income people would be insured by Medicaid through the ACA. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court made this coverage optional for states in its ruling earlier this year. The Maine Legislature did vote to expand coverage but the Governor vetoed the law. As a result, many adults under the poverty level will not be able to get MaineCare. They will probably not be able to afford health insurance through the new Marketplace either.
If you lose your MaineCare and need help with healthcare costs, you can call the Consumers for Affordable Health Care HelpLine at 1-800-965-7476. They can help you find out what kind of help you can get to pay for health care.
Maine Equal Justice would also like to hear your story. It could help us advocate for Medicaid expansion in 2014. Please call Crystal Bond at Maine Equal Justice Partners at 1-866-626-7059, ext. 205 if you have a story to share.
(3,880 posts)get off the legal drugs! your probably addicted to them! get clean. as far as if you work you can't eat and pay for ur meds. that's a warning to any dr. that your hooked
(73,246 posts)to work out how we can afford Obamacare (It's very expensive in this state due to having only 2 companies in our exchange.) Then we received a letter from DHHS saying we will continue getting transitional MaineCare for a few more months.
So I called our case worker and asked what happens if we no longer qualify for under the transitional situation at the end of 6 months. I pointed out that the exchanges would be closed and private insurance would be unavailable to us that way. She said it was "an oversight (one of many) that no one had addressed at this point."
I am very, very grateful to have a few more months of truly affordable health coverage, but in the back of my mind I am still worried about what will happen down the road.
Have you found any loopholes yet, eShirl, that would get you onto ObamaCare? It would still be better than nothing.
(19,150 posts)GreenPartyVoter
(73,246 posts)someone who called me on his behalf a few weeks back.
At least knowing you could get it when LePage is drummed out of office would give you a little hope, although I know how stressful it will be without it until then. We were off ours for a couple of years. Cut way back on the medical care and tried to find places that did sliding scales etc when we did need to go. Mostly just prayed no major medical concerns would arise. *sigh*
(19,150 posts)Other than flu shots, I haven't used my MaineCare for ANYTHING for almost a decade anyway, so not much will change as long as my health remains unchanged.