Related: About this forumTides of Change
These rainy days have given me time to do a lot of reading newspapers, articles on the internet and such. There are articles on gay marriage, abortion, immigration and the Affordable Care Act plus many other changes. Change is not something new. Increase in population, less resources, technology and automation and a global economy demand change. The conservative answer is to stay with the old and resist change at all costs. A Civil War was fought to prevent change. There was a range war to prevent homesteaders from the westward expansion. Women battled for the right to vote and workers fought for the right to unionize. These battles to prevent change continue now. A lady in Texas spent eleven hours to protect womens right. Governor Perry is going to try to push through an assault on womens rights again. I dont believe Perry really cares about babies as much as he feels that when a man plants the seed, a woman should dam well produce the crop and know her place. Here in Maine, we remember the governors words when he was running for office. You know the one way ticket to Massachusetts for welfare recipients. When he vetoed the Medicaid expansion, one Republican legislator said it was a good thing because it would force people to try harder. The fact is, as time passes, change always occurs no matter how the conservatives try to use religion, the constitution or any other tactics, the tide of the times cannot be stopped. The sad part is the amount of suffering and even blood shed the conservatives cause trying to prevent it.

(26,243 posts)southernyankeebelle
(11,304 posts)and imposing their way or the highway attitude. It is so imperative we all vote in these elections. We are already on the way to a facism government. When corporations become people and their votes count more then ours then is country is in real trouble.