Kentucky social workers say problems growing dire
Frustrated state social workers have turned to Facebook to vent about what they say is an ongoing crisis in the overwhelmed, underfunded Child Protective Services agency charged with investigating child abuse and neglect and protecting children.
“It comes as no surprise to veteran staff like myself that Kentucky’s child welfare system is experiencing crisis,” one person wrote on the Facebook page Kentucky Kids Matter. “Statewide staff retention has become an ongoing issue and regions within our state have been decimated by ongoing staff resignation and staff turnover.”
“I’ve worked for CPS going on 16 years and currently work in Louisville,” writes another. “We have a crisis going on that should be concerning to all people as our children are in serious danger due to the current conditions of child protective services.”
Culver said he and other workers attribute the growth in child abuse and neglect cases in part to the heroin addiction epidemic in Kentucky and other factors, such as an increase in mental health problems in families, overwhelming workers with complex cases.
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