Related: About this forumLetter: Brownback/Davis election was strange night working polls
I read the recent letter to the editor concerning the need for verification of the November election vote and found it interesting. The scenario outlined was what I experienced as a poll volunteer.
In the gubernatorial race, we experienced unusual issues with voting machines. The recent letter mentioned the voting machines showing a swing to Gov. Sam Brownback during the last 30 minutes of the election. We experienced the same. In fact, I believe Paul Davis was showing a small lead throughout until the polls closed. As we pulled tapes after closing our site to check for irregularities, we saw Brownback had pulled ahead in the last 10 to 20 minutes. Keep in mind the voting machines were acting strangely throughout the evening. After the close, at least one decided to not give up its tape output without “thinking about it,” is how I would put it. When I left more than two hours after the polls closed, it still was printing tape sporadically. Our poll manager and another person from the opposing party stayed, as is necessary.
Verizon wireless 3G sending units were in use for the first time to send data to centralized data collection points. When I mentioned this to a friend who is an electrical engineer and builds boards for communications/broadcast equipment, he rolled his eyes and said: “ What a simple but reliable way to throw an election.”
That evening was the strangest I’ve ever had working polls.
Do I think the elections were hacked? You bet I do. It wasn’t just me either. Others as well voiced suspicion. Our poll manger was getting calls all evening from other poll managers who were having all sorts of problems. I leave it to you, but everything I heard and saw that evening pointed to hacked votes.

(66,282 posts)msongs
(70,749 posts)pscot
(21,044 posts)sketchy
(458 posts)Here's another recent article on this.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article28362433.html#storylink=cpy
(489 posts)SOP is to steal elections if they cant win them outright.
If they will appoint SC justices who will steal elections, why wouldn't they hack machines?
(12,799 posts)WDIM
(1,662 posts)My state has "scantron machines" (thats what i call them) that read the filled in bubbles. Of course you can program a scantron machine to give you any readout you want.
I would love for our elections to be verified by a hand count of paper ballots. Electronics are too unreliable and too easily tampered with.
(9,083 posts)I can't say about the other counties, but our CC Jamie Shew insisted on them.
(5,217 posts)Here's why :
If you were the person trying to rig an election your goal is likely to be to cause your party to win by only a slim margin so as not to be blatantly bogus. Which means you want to increase your party's votes by as few votes as necessary to push him/her into the win.
The problem is that you don't know how many votes will be required to accomplish that, or if any fudging will be required at all, until late in the returns.
And hence, the major fudging tends to happen at the end, once the size of the required fudge factor is known.
(22,017 posts)spanone
(138,388 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
(96,882 posts)How would you know in advance of poll closing what the vote tallies were?
(47,953 posts)BuelahWitch
(9,083 posts)Just a guess...
(96,882 posts)...they may leak to some people, but your average polling volunteer isn't likely to be one of them.
(9,083 posts)I worked polls during the 2004 election and was isolated from news, but heard later that exit polls predicted were predicting a Kerry win.
(26,795 posts)There is ZERO doubt that an electronic voting machine can be hacked. But was this such an incident?? Need more info. But without a real audit, we'll never know.