Related: About this forumKansas taxes $47M less than expected in January, complicating already strained budget picture
TOPEKA, KAN. – Kansas collected $47 million less than anticipated this month, signaling that Gov. Sam Brownback and legislators may have to be more aggressive with spending cuts or other measures to balance the budget.
But the Department of Revenue said Friday that a key factor was greater-than-expected income tax refunds during the month, with the federal government processing returns more quickly than it did last year. Department spokeswoman Jeannine Koranda said the state waits on the federal government to process each set of returns first, so faster federal processing means more state refunds earlier in the tax season — and the possibility that refunds could "even out" later.
The Republican-dominated Legislature is working on proposals to eliminate a projected $279 million shortfall in the current budget, which ends June 30. Brownback's budget director has said if lawmakers don't pass a budget-balancing bill by Feb. 13, the state may not be able to pay its bills on time.
House Speaker Ray Merrick, a Stilwell Republican, said his chamber's Appropriations Committee would build unspecified "additional contingencies" into its budget plan. Brownback has proposed selected cuts, but his plan relies heavily on diverting funds from highway projects and special funds into the state's main bank account, where the projected deficit occurs.

(53,235 posts)jwirr
(39,215 posts)So they cut some more and it is the same vicious cycle. That is why trickle down and austerity do not work. FDR showed us clearly that to get out of a depression/recession you have to invest in the worker who pays the taxes.
Any nine year old paper boy, using 3rd grade math would know what they were doing would not work. Can’t believe they keep voting again they own best interest.
(39,215 posts)including WI and NJ.
(4,458 posts)when they (the majority) reelected him, was it not? I mean, the budget was already a total disaster before the election...jobs, benefits, infrastructure, education etc were long gone and/or people were suffering Waaaay before the election.
This is "Koch Kuntry" is it not? Wasn't this their grand libertarian experiment/utopia?
I feel badly for those who voted against this nonsense, including the few sensible Republicans ..but for those who voted For him again only to realize too late, that "the other guys/gals" are Correct.....I feel no sympathy.
on point
(2,506 posts)The Last Dem.
(76 posts)but that won’t happen.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)Tea party logic at it's best.