KS Church & State pray for "dark" areas of KS that just happen to also be Democratic:
Please contact Representative Paul Davis & thank him for ringing the bells for freedom from religious oppression: http://www.kshousedems.com/page/paul-davis-biography
From Facebook, just now:

As we embark upon Lent, please take a moment to read and share this. Governor Brownback's Capitol spiritual leader (who hosts a weekly Bible study in the Governor's office) has issued a new prayer list. I know the quality of this image is bad, but under "Intercessor's Challenges" the top request is to "target prayer for dark spiritual areas of Southeast Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas City Kansas, and North Johnson County."
As a lifelong resident of Lawrence, I can say firsthand that it is a place rooted deeply in spirituality, where caring for your neighbors is BOTH practiced and preached. While we can never receive too many prayers, I think the people of Lawrence (and all the above mentioned communities) would object to being characterized as "dark spiritual areas." This is truly offensive.
Do you think it a coincidence that all of these areas are represented by Democrats in the Kansas Legislature?
PS - The second to last prayer request under Intercessor's Challenges is for the restructuring of the Kansas judicial system.