Related: About this forumIs your local Kansas newspaper going to hell like mine is?
Oct 1st 2021....CherryRoad Media has announced the acquisition of several newspapers in Kansas from Gannett.
Butler County Times-Gazette
Pratt Tribune
Hays Daily News
Garden City Telegram
Leavenworth Times
St. John News
Kiowa County Signal
Dodge City Daily Globe
McPherson Sentinel
Butler County Times-Gazette
Wellington Daily News
Ottawa Times
Newton Kansan
Hiawatha World
Mine is the Hays Daily News, prior to being bought out they published 5 days a week, now it's 3 for the same price.
And not only that they drastically changed what they cover and don't cover anymore, letters to the editor appears
to be history. And speaking of history, Sunday's paper had quite a few history lessons in it, one about Abe Lincoln.
New owners trying to brainwash us into being good magaloons?
Won't bore you with all the stupid changes but one, no crossword in today's paper, a 1st in it's history.
So let's hear from people who get these papers noted above and whether you're happy with the changes or not.
Is CherryRoad ruining all of them?
Oh, and if you get one of these newspapers and haven't noticed any major changes, let us know about that also.
Hays Daily might be a test case of sorts.

(24,961 posts)news such as the 4H Club, someone's vacation to see their sister somewhere, all kinds of neat trivia that makes reading a local paper so neat. I fear that the days of these small newspapers is going away, and they're all reverting to a standardized format online, where almost every single one of the remaining newspapers all look alike.
(19,382 posts)No reason to destroy the environment with an old relic thinking.
(4,321 posts)Or just few enough to be considered irrelevant?
(19,382 posts)Rebl2
(15,804 posts)going to take some time I would imagine.
(5,073 posts)and yes, I've seen changes.. on the online version, at least.
Granted, being behind a paywall I didn't go to it all that often. But I did go for the obits and local news and entertainment from time to time. Imagine my surprise when all the obits were only by name on the front page in a list format, with no info to be obtained by clicking on their names. Also, clicking on Entertainment brought no info (which, even for a small town, is a real rarity around here). Don't know much about games, I can't remember ever playing them. But I sure did notice the dearth of news and information! About the only thing the front page DID have was sports info.
This is a real bummer, I'm afraid. I used to pick up paper copy now and then from a kiosk. If this is the way it's gonna be, forget that.