Senate approves bill to combat teacher shortages
A bill with several measures intended to lessen Illinois teacher shortage will now go to the governor.
Senate Bill 1952, sponsored by Sen. Andy Manar, D-Bunker Hill, would eliminate the basic skills test, allow school districts to pay student teachers and let teachers in underfunded schools recoup the cost of a teaching assessment called the edTPA. Critics of the basic skills test have said it contributes to the teacher shortage by holding students back from entering the profession since they are costly and difficult.
Another part of the bill would have reinstated the 6 percent cap for teacher salary increases to be covered by the state, but it was taken out with a House amendment.
Rep. Kathleen Willis, D-Addison, who sponsored the amendment removing the salary cap increase, said it is her caucus policy not to move any bills affecting the budget until a budget is sorted out, and she wanted the rest of the bill to move.
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(Springfield State Journal Register)