Hawaii’s Hunger for Ahi: Panel Debates Fishing Limits for Bigeye Tuna
An Earthjustice attorney, senior Wespac scientist and local businessman share their insights into the industry, current regulations and international impacts.
The cost of putting a plate of locally caught ahi sashimi on the table for Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations, a popular tradition in Hawaii, may be too high this year for some families to afford.
The Hawaii longline fleet has already hit its limit for 2015, which is expected to drive up prices as the holidays approach unless they get a green light to effectively expand their quota by allocating some of their bigeye tuna catch to other Pacific territories.
But environmental watchdogs are concerned about the effect this could have on international relations and the overall sustainability of the fish. Hawaii residents and visitors may just have to live with ahi from elsewhere, fork over the extra money or try eating something different until the boats are allowed to go out again.
Eh! - leave some ahi for me!