'It's A Struggle': Rail Project Loses More Top Deputies At A Crucial Time
Last month the Honolulu rail projects top executive, Andrew Robbins, traveled to San Francisco to hand-deliver the latest draft of the transit projects recovery plan the last version he hopes hell ever have to submit.
The plan, years in the making, aims to assure the Federal Transit Administration that despite the troubles of recent years, rail is back on solid financial footing and managed by a capable, experienced staff.
Among those highlighted was Nicole Chapman, the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportations deputy executive director of procurement, contracts and construction claims.
Ms. Chapman has been with HART for five years and has over 20 years experience in procurement and contracts, the plan stated. Ms. Chapmans local knowledge relating to construction contract procurement and interpretation of agreement language adds to HARTs ability to manage contracts.
Read more: https://www.civilbeat.org/2019/07/its-a-struggle-rail-project-loses-more-top-deputies-at-a-crucial-time/