Please respond to this bullshit email from Senator Perdue
I received this piece of right wing word salad from Senator Perdue, I'm sending him an email urging him to spend less time spewing right wing talking points and spend more time listening to other peoples ideas. Please send him your thoughts as well.
Atlanta office (404) 865-0087
Washington office (202) 224-3521
Here goes (warning - the following might piss you off):
Democrats’ socialist agenda would kill the American dream
By U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA)
November 20, 2019
Excerpts from the Washington Examiner:
Wednesday night, the country’s most liberal Democrats will descend on my home state of Georgia and flood the airwaves with their radical, socialist ideas.
The presidential candidates on stage will attempt to paint a rosy picture of a socialist worldview that has failed repeatedly around the globe.
Do not be fooled by catchy names like the “Green New Deal,” “Medicare For All,” and the “Freedom Dividend.” These are disguises for socialist policies that would fundamentally change the country as we know it.
Socialist policies have destroyed other countries. The Soviet Union crumbled. Greece’s economy collapsed. Cuba and Venezuela today are failed states, and people are suffering. Why would America want to emulate any of these failed socialist regimes?
The American dream exists because of the free-market system. The socialist agenda would kill the American dream.
Why? Because state control shuts down creative thought and individual choice.
The free-market system in America relies on innovation, capital formation, and the rule of law. Socialism thwarts innovation and hijacks the flow of capital.
Free markets breed entrepreneurship and foster risk-taking. Socialist regimes crush job creators and eliminate economic growth.
Capitalism creates individual opportunity. Socialism undercuts individual liberties and allows the state to dictate what is best for the individual. This type of government control is precisely what our Founding Mothers and Founding Fathers fled.
Individual freedom, by definition, must be sacrificed to implement the Democrats’ socialist agenda.
Today, we are in an ideological war for the future of our republic. If Democrats win the White House, take the Senate majority, and keep the House, they will create a socialist regime to change the very fabric of America.
The choice in 2020 is not about personality. It is about what kind of nation we will leave for our children and our children’s children.
It is about America’s national interest versus political self-interest. It is about self-determination versus total state control. It is about preserving America’s founding principles.
Always remember: The price of socialism is freedom.