Georgia Democrats prepare a 'one-two' gender punch for November
Georgia Democrats appear to be gearing up for a one-two gender punch in the weeks leading up to November.
As evidence, let me point you to the grand finale of last weeks state Democratic convention, a downtown Atlanta event that was slightly overshadowed hours later by the death of U.S. Sen. John McCain.
Sarah Riggs Amico, the candidate for lieutenant governor and a former Republican, was brought to the front of an already packed stage. She gave her stemwinder, then introduced a biographic video of Stacey Abrams, the candidate for governor. Afterwards, Amico tossed to Abrams herself, who brought the afternoon to a crescendo.
You might be thinking, Sure, thats how its supposed to work.
On the national stage, yes. But in Georgia, no. Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, whether Democrat or Republican, dont run in tandem. They are listed on the November ballot separately. They raise money separately. A bumper-sticker might weld their names together to give the illusion of coordination, but sometimes they can barely stand to be in the room together.
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