D.C. area February outlook: Cold and snow chances could return mid-month.
The time around and after Presidents’ Day weekend looks to be the coldest with the best chance of snow.
February is off to a dry and relatively mild start in the D.C. area the next several days. But might it offer the kind of volatility we saw in January, which was one of the wettest in four decades and delivered dramatic temperature swings from intense cold to record warmth? Models are leaning toward yes, even if the groundhog hasn’t officially weighed in yet.
The way it looks now, we should turn colder during the middle part of the month, when the chance of snow could return, before potentially trending warmer again toward the end of this 29-day, leap-year-lengthened February. In the end, we favor February to average 2 to 4 degrees higher than the average of 40 degrees, and we predict somewhere between 3 and 6 inches of snow compared with a normal of 5 inches.
For total precipitation — rain plus melted snow — we anticipate approximately 2.5 to 3.5 inches, not far from the month’s average of 2.62 inches and not nearly as wet as January.