In the "perspective" section, one writer, "Silverii" said, " Show me a recall effort of Colorado Democrats and Ill show you a bigot" He really does a good job of attacking this recall shenanigan. (Including the nut job religious guy behind it, that the GOP wants to fund!)
John Caldera also chimes in in favor of the recall. Surprise--the man who wanted to be on the RTD board in order to destroy the RTD, would want to destroy the government of Colorado.
The overall editorial from the Post (which I couldn't find online) was that SB 181, after recent changes was a good bill. Those who are behind this recall were "just as bad" as the anti-frackers who want all oil to stay in the ground. There's that "both sides do it" nonsense. The recall gang are a bunch of terrible bigots while the anti-fracking people just want to save us from global catastrophe. They are NOT the same!
BTW, SB 181, which gives local governments more say in oil extraction within their boundaries, is a pretty big deal. If you've watched fracking issues nationwide, local areas have been screwed by the fact that they have no say when it comes to oil extraction. The oil companies hide behind state laws to screw the locals. Now that has changed in Colorado.