Related: About this forumMcSally appointed to Senate seat
On phone so can't link.
I missed this one 100%.
Thought Ducey would try and keep it for himself.
Draft Mark Kelley.

(20,036 posts)to LOSE again.
and interesting.
(4,515 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)was his reason. Said McSally would be appointed after she bit the dust in November.
The National Rethug Committee are trying to protect this one Seat at any cost. You and I as well as others living here in the Southwest,know what is happening behind the scene.
(4,515 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)It is all about positive message and getting boots on the ground to pound on doors and get that message out. This past election was a hoot for us old people were involved by watching and learning from the Kids. Love the new approach of using Social Media to get people to be aware of the issues. And parring that with our old school methods of getting people involved as well as voter registration and follow up to touch base with those new voters by thanking them for doing their civic duty.
The McCain Seat can be flipped to a blue seat by doing what was done in the last Campaign.
(28,022 posts)If he kept this seat for himself, he would be running in 2020 with Trump at the head of the ticket.
This way he can run in 2022 against a Democrat (presumably during the first midterm election for a new Democratic president).
(53,061 posts)FBaggins
(28,022 posts)For some reason I thought that the recent race was to fill the last four years of Flakes slot.