Related: About this forumHeadliner of UK Rap Gig Ejected for Trashing UK Rap
Last edited Wed Oct 31, 2018, 04:57 PM - Edit history (3)
Here's hoping that the musical career of Azealia Banks has finally reached the end of the line.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with her complete body of work, here's what she puts out when she's not putting out hiphop music, via and Twitter:
“You will be penning songs for all the pretty girls you wish you were, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.”
“Let’s find the biggest burliest blackest negroes and let them run a train on her. Film it and put it on Worldstar.”
“(T)ell (Eminem) to go back to his trailer park and eat his microwave hotpocket dinner and suck on his sister's t**ties.”
"I don’t know why he's ashamed to just be himself. I mean he wears dresses and gives makeup tips….Just come out! Be FREEEEEE!"
"Respect the fact I was inspired by your s** spend more than f***ing 30secs paying homage to it...I'll piss on ur lawn."
"Pharrell changed his mind about wanting to be associated with me after he had his lite skin comeback."
"Whoever designed that racist a** Dolce and Gabanna collection needs a swift kick in the mouth and a big d**k up the a**."
She's also been taken off a plane for going off on a flight attendant, and arrested for biting a bouncer at a club. Imagine what she's like when she loses her temper...
Malik...decided to respond in a couple of subtweets... "No lies...I see you reaching but I don't care," he tweeted. "My @'s too good for you." Malik never specifically named Banks...but...that didn't stop (her)...
Banks called him a "hairy curry scented bitch" and "punjab." She also told him to "Simmer down with that fake white boy rebellion and that wannabe beiber swag," before calling him a "faggot"...Malik never responded to Banks' tweets...
14-year-old...Disney Channel star Skai Jackson tweeted, "Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little." You can probably guess what happened next...
"And you need to grow some hips and start ur menses," Banks wrote..."You need to get ur ass done and your tits done before you become a proper Instagram thot girly...Your mom will be up in Disney's Office's sucking dick for your next fourth lead role!!!"
She got a less diplomatic tweet from UK hiphopper MNEK: "Shut the f**** up already." Apparently feeling restricted by a 140-character limit, Banks escalated the battle to Periscope. Consider yourself warned that her response to Jackson and her remarks about Zayn Malik and UK hiphop are quite unrepeatable.
The problem is, Banks was scheduled to headline the second night of England's Born & Bred Festival on June 5 -- showcasing "rave-inspired dance music and soundsystem culture – from grime, hip-hop and drum ’n’ bass to house, techno, garage and beyond":
"The UK really can't rap though. UK RAP is just a disgrace to rap culture in general."
"UK rappers NEVER have swag. It's ALWAYS FORCED."
Why do the police shut down @Giggs or @nines1ace raves but @AZEALIABANKS is cool to just come here threatening to bring arms? Don't get it
Please don't talk about Grime or UK rappers -- you are very average and I will spin you back into your mothers womb.
Trying to diss UK rappers and grime? She gon' learn today
Azealia Banks managed to piss off England. She best not try to come here she'll get the same treatment as the United bus
Is it petition time to get Azealia thrown off of Born & Bred? Cos racism, homophobia and now parring grime...
The festival's tweet about Azealia:
[div style="border:#000000 solid 1px;width:600px;"]

Being a legend in your own mind sounds like a very tough job.


(135,425 posts)No one who is thinking straight would say those kinds of things, even if they did hold intolerant views, because of the impact on their bottom line. An occasional controversy to get the old name in the headlines is one thing, when it devolves into diarrhea of the mouth it's a problem for medical intervention/counseling at a minimum.
(44,902 posts)Last edited Fri Jan 1, 2021, 04:11 PM - Edit history (6)
"Lean" or "purple drank," made with soda (usually Sprite), Jolly Rancher candy (usually purple), and prescription codeine cough syrup -- known as "sizzurp" -- is very popular on the urban music scene. Justin Beiber is known to be a fan, and as a Canadian, has easier access to it than his American counterparts.
Two years ago, the manufacturer of the "good stuff" codeine cough syrup put it out of production, sending the prices of the remaining supplies skyrocketing on the underground market. Another pharmaceutical company now makes the syrup, but it requires as least twice as much.
I associate the current escalation of bizarre behavior on the urban music scene with the final evaporation of the good sizzurp, and people either going through withdrawal or trying to subsist on the cheaper stuff. Recently, Justin Beiber was found sitting in a tree.
(135,425 posts)I had vaguely heard of the "drinking cough syrup" set, but those specifics are news to me and quite elucidating! Thanks so much for that description and the great detail, too!
Justin Beiber in a tree sounds like the start of a nursery rhyme! OMG--I googled and found out that was in my hometown! LOL!
Maybe he's starting to feel "too old" for the Teenybopper set and he's run out of silly love songs. There's a point in time when you have to ask yourself, "Is this enough? How much is too much?" If he managed his money properly he'd never have to work another day and could still live in a fashion most of us couldn't even dream of.
(44,902 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 18, 2018, 12:44 PM - Edit history (3)
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration
Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
At least five? She shows signs of all nine!
On May 8, Banks announced she was suspending her Twitter account:
It's been a great couple of years, sharing opinions and having conversations, but i think i will be so much happier just NOT looking at this. (Americans have the WORST taste in everything.) So my friends, its time to say goodbye once and for all to this account. This account will exist no more. Time for a bit of Mystery... Goodbye."
On May 11, Twitter suspended Banks' Twitter account -- and there was much rejoicing throughout the cyber land...

(44,902 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 18, 2016, 01:39 PM - Edit history (2)
After pretty much building her career on race-baiting, Azealia has joined black female divas Beyonce, Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj, and Foxy Brown in the inflation of her bosom and the lightening her skin. And from her Facebook page, she's issued an apology of sorts for her use of anti-gay language:
...The amount of people that get hurt when i use the... F****T...word vs. the amount of people I've said it to are just not worth it. Honestly... This isn't a cop out, its just me realizing that words hurt. and while i may be immune to every word and be thicker skinned than most, it doesn't mean that i get to go around treating people with the same toughness that made my skin so thick...
By using those words i paint a picture of myself that isn't the true me...someone who is used to suppressing things, and being defensive...who cannot allow themselves to be vulnerable...I'm sweet, i'm kind, i'm caring, i'm generous, i love to make people laugh and above all...I love to please and inspire others with my music and art...
To lose out on a chance to make people feel good and smile and be happy would be the dumbest thing i could do in this lifetime... I cherish the #kuntbrigade SOOO ****ING MUCH...I know that you all want nothing else for me but to see me win, and i thank the many of you who saw the beauty in me and have stuck around this far...
The good news is, it finally seems to have gotten through to her that her version of "diva-ism" is bad for business. The bad news is, she posted the apology at the beginning of a weekend which ended with nearly 50 people being killed in a gay club.
People accused Azealia of cynically and selfishly trying to exploit the situation -- that accusation is false. But if people found it so easy to believe, that's because Azealia has presented herself to the world as precisely the sort of person who would apologize for her bigotry against gays only after 50 of them had been massacred.
And as for her "realizing" that words can hurt, she still refers to what's left of her fan base as the Kuntbrigade?
