Related: About this forumDoes anyone do collages?
I'd like to see some, if you do.
I've always wanted to make some, and now have the time and space to get down to it.

not really
(1,628 posts)I left my large studio and moved to one way too small for all the bits and pieces.
What sort of collages? The art-craft kind or digital compositing?
(3,865 posts)I'm doing the kind where you touch things, and get glue on yr fingers.
anything else would not be satisfying.
(1,596 posts)Some real beauts here. fficial&channel=sb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CCd9VM2HC8qNyATmuILIBQ&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1481&bih=759
I am starting to do embroidery again, this page inspired me: fficial&channel=sb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=oCd9VIe0MdSjyASFv4KIBw&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1481&bih=759
(3,865 posts)Funny you posted this on this day, bec yesterday I actually started!
I don't know if what I did would actually be called a collage, bec. it was not on a base such as wood or paper. I just started gluing things I collect, like pieces of wood, pinecones, shells. Very satisfying.
Then I looked up to find the kind of glue I need, and to find a base.
Now I need to re-arrange my apt so I have room.
good luck with the embroidery.
(31,464 posts)Created by an old friend of mine. Amazing stuff.
(1,596 posts)I'm bookmarking to keep.
Response to ellenrr (Original post)
Atman This message was self-deleted by its author.
Generic Other
(29,020 posts)
Combines Gauguin's work with Chihuly's glass ( actual Chihuly glass was broken)

Blue Goddess (paper randomly placed on a scanner)

Orwell's 1984 (digital collage made of old paperback covers)

Window in a Dirty Book (altered book pages)
(2,825 posts)They were "found object" collages. .
I scoured the streets of Philadelphia looking for interesting trash. Probably looked liked a crazy lady. My more successful one had a piece of a red and white balloon in it, small part of a straw broom, old newspaper, broken pieces of brown beer glass. a little piece of carved and glazed wood. Then I tied it together with some cloth from an old dress and a little paint. Believe it or not I sold it.
The other painting I put over my mantle and got tired of looking at it and ended up throwing it out. There really was nothing good to say about it. At heart I am a realist. These two paintings were extremely abstract. I think I just wanted to try something different.