Labor union leaders aim to aid Tim Canova's challenge to Wasserman Schultz
By Anthony Man
Leaders of several labor union locals, a key Democratic Party constituency, said Wednesday they've lost confidence in U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and want to see her defeated in the August primary.
They said they're supporting her challenger, Tim Canova, on the grounds that he'd better represent the interests of working people. Wasserman Schultz, they said, caters too much to the interests of her corporate political donors.
"This is something that's been a slow progression to the negative," said Don Abicht, president of Communications Workers of America local 3122. He said Wasserman Schultz excels at making herself look good. "She's good at baking cakes for her constituents, but she's not good at getting the job done."
The central criticism from the labor leaders who appeared with Canova at his storefront campaign office in Hollywood was Wasserman Schultz's support of legislation that creates an expedited approval process for President Barack Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
FULL story at link. Video:

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