The NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Is Coming Up On May 14th

By Bill Brickley | May 5, 2016
Letter Carriers To Hold Largest One Day Food Drive In America On May 14th.
The National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) will be holding their 24th annual food drive on Saturday, May 14th. On that day letter carriers will pick up non-perishable food as they deliver mail on their postal routes. The food donations collected will stay in the towns and cities where they are collected.
You wouldnt think that the nations most successful one-day food drive could get better but indeed it has as the UFCW has brought their energy and commitment towards helping the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive smash collection records.
Anthony M. Perrone, President of the UFCW United stated that helping feed Americas hungry is a mission we can and must share, and by participating in the Letter Carriers 24th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive, we can create the better America we all believe in
When we decided to take our food drive nationwide more than two decades ago, food banks and community service organizations told us that the best time for us to do it would be when people arent really thinking about it to remind people that, sadly, the need for food is year-round, stated NALC President Fred Rolando.
FULL story at link.
About Bill Brickley
Bill is a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers, formerly served on the NH Letter Carrier Executive Board as CD1 Legislative Liaison. Also serves on the NH AFL-CIO Executive Board. Former NH Area Coordinator Amnesty International and NH Labor News Blogger Follow him on twitter @BillBrickley