Propaganda Debunking
Related: About this forumHere's a discussion which could use some "love" from DU
Having recently landed a job after being laid off for several months I've spent some time on several job related message boards. This one particular discussion got hijacked by a right winger spewing the standard talking points about the Affordable Care Act. It's pretty obvious where I fit into the discussion, if anyone else cares to jump in and throw a few facts around have at it.

(18,219 posts)These RWNJs are trolling every freaking discussion board on the internet. Unbelievable.
I will not chime in, since I have quit trying to discuss anything with these people, but I will say that if it were not for Obamacare, I would be uninsured or trying to find a way to pay really high rates since I lost my job. I guess that these people who are out of work are lucky enough not to have to use Obamacare and can afford the high rates. I have less deductible and out of pocket than I had when I had my job, and it costs a lot less since I have substantially less coming in now. If someone really is paying $500 for a shitty plan, they are making a lot of money, or that is for a family plan and that is cheap.
(11,681 posts)I try to get out of the DU-Bubbleverse on occasion as I want people who have not heard the facts yet to hear/read them. I have no expectation at all of changing the mind of the RW nutjob I'm arguing with on mixed (non-political of mixed politically) message boards, but I believe there are a wide spectrum of people that also read these comments, and haven't seen or heard the facts yet, just the Fox/Limbaugh distortions. I very strongly believe we need to get out and message more, and not just huddle down in our safe haven bubble-verses, if we expect to do better than we have been in elections.
The long version of my rant is at:
Unfortunately I don't have time for this tonight or tomorrow because have to get ready for a tax appointment. But I wish you good luck.