The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsYour Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Dutch Rub Kplz Edition
Nao sez AWW lots moar kthnxbai hug:

(13,201 posts)"your demons"
"I like big box"
"squared away"
"petting zoo"
"this wagon"
"I ate the Buzz Lightyear toy."
"unplanned adventures"
Thanks for another fun roundup, SCE! Have a great week!
(18,425 posts)Bread and Circuses
(646 posts)TommieMommy
(1,699 posts)gademocrat7
(11,367 posts)Thank you for another wonderful edition of Sunday LOLcats.πππ
The animal photos are amazing.
(6,684 posts)planetc
(8,466 posts)MiHale
(11,400 posts)
(65,151 posts)
(4,074 posts)Thanks for another great wake-up.
(3,955 posts)Happy Sunday!
From The Ashes
(2,718 posts)

signed: your FB friend.
Cobalt Violet
(9,966 posts)
(1,583 posts)Such a delight every Sunday morning. Like a beautiful sunrise each week!
(38,607 posts)as with my own feline companions, it's hard not to wonder if they really are more like us than we can know ...
(38,768 posts)
(12,199 posts)All were wonderful - like the orangutan making itself its own hammock!!! Oh wow! Thank you SCE!
(39,404 posts)Trying desperately to see how that could be comfortable!
(2,827 posts)burrowowl
(18,175 posts)republianmushroom
(19,191 posts)Yup the kids petting zoo, fond memories. From laughs to screams, "I want to go home".
(18,452 posts)hermetic
(8,804 posts)to start my Sunday.
(Offspring!! :laughing
Richard D
(9,638 posts)

(260 posts)mwmisses4289
(730 posts)hay rick
(8,581 posts)Tryna stay healthy, LOL. Offspring- so clever and well done!
(4,403 posts)I got some chuckles, got some amazement at wildlife photos.
I didn't get the Pez toon. Can someone clue me?
(39,404 posts)I donβt get it. Help, someone!
(39 posts)
(24,319 posts)

(122,883 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,319 posts)Wild blueberry
(7,507 posts)Thank you, SCE.
(31,771 posts)Great, as usual.
(24,752 posts)With no other text, or at least very rarely have I said anything else in the text portion of the reply. I have often and deliberately tried to be the first response, of which I have been successful a few scores of times over the years.
I'm considering changing that now.
I am thinking I will endeavor henceforth to be the last response on SCE's weekly thread and do so in a verbose, circumlocutory, garrulous and loquacious fashion.
Because why the fuck not? My "YAY!" has been appropriated numerous times in the past (Not today, however) such that it is no longer unique.
And for what it's worth, here is the history of why I used that singular word in the fashion I did, so as to differentiate myself from those that would foray and parlay my YAY for their own headway .
It came from a cartoon of my youth, probably one from the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show" or a cartoon series of similar genre, wherein a motor race was depicted. There was one singular grandstand filled with a crowd of banner waving enthusiasts and each time the cars would go by, the crowd would in unison say, "YAY!"
But it wasn't a loud, enthusiastic YAY! that one might expect. It was a rather deadpan, monotone yay with little to no enthusiasm. It's as if they were saying..." they come AGAIN...just like the previous thousand times, AGAIN...with Snidely Whiplash leading the fucking race...AGAIN, so we have to reluctantly whatever". (And before any of you chuckleheads come at me and say "Snidely Whiplash wasn't on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"...yeah, yeah, I know, and I don't give a fuck. All those cartoons back then were written by the same group of reefer smoking, acid dropping, hilarious and talented overgrown teenage boys, so it doesn't matter.)
And to me, that's why it is so fucking funny! And another "For what it's worth", SalmonChantedEvening and I are good friends off of this platform. I know his sense of humor and I also know he would think all this was funny. So I'm not in the least worried it might offend him. And if it does, fuck him. And he would think that was funny, too.
My very good friend does this every week out of the goodness of his overflowing heart. He is an enormously empathetic man, and truly does enjoy the responses and affection DU gives this thread of his every week. This was evidenced a while back when it became clear that he was going through a rough patch financially and a GoFundMe was set up and a link to it was put up in the Lounge.
The response and generosity was overwhelming, and I know that he was deeply, deeply touched by the donations.
So in short.....nothing. Nothing in these replies will EVER be in short.
They will always be in long. If you don't like it, don't fucking read them.
I might on occasion put up another "YAY!" if I wake up early enough, but I'm done trying. Not to mention SCE is a devious motherfucker and intentionally changes the time he posts this thread just to fuck with all of us. Sometimes it's 4:30, sometimes it's 7 AM, sometimes it's 5:08. There is no rhyme or reason for the variation of the posting time, other than the fact that my bud is an asshole at heart and he loves every minute of it.
So to all of you fiveish or so people that read this all the way through, thanks. At least you're tenacious.
To the rest of you, it doesn't matter what I say because you stopped reading after you thought that A HERETIC I AM is so fucking stupid, he thinks Snidely Whiplash is a Bullwinkle Character.
Have a good week, everyone.
(39,404 posts)β¦ just kidding!
(24,752 posts)

(39,404 posts)I laughed myself silly.
How did you ever find such a perfect clip??
(14,431 posts)

(2,863 posts)Somewhere I have photo of my then teen daughter getting the same treatment from a giraffe's prehensile tongue. She's in her forties, now, getting married in July. I promised her I'd give her all the prints and the negative of the picture...some time.
(8,280 posts)There used to be - possibly still is - a ringtone available for download of the sounds Teddy made eating a pumpkin, which are SO darned cute!. I have it on my reminder software an use it on reminders for grocery delivery. It's in mp3 format, which my software handles just fine.
(20,423 posts)Clicking pen πππ
Try to stay healthy ππππ
(great visual pun!)
Stephen King bedtime story πππ
Bobba Fett ππππ
(very clever!)
(17,654 posts)