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during the Power Point presentation!

(307 posts)
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)
(6,977 posts)
(25,045 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)his house!π
Wonder Why
(5,168 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,586 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)BOSSHOG
(41,309 posts)Because I lived the farthest away.
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)

Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,740 posts)Very good Floyd!
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)
(1,305 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)elleng
(138,525 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)Aussie105
(6,817 posts)But most people get annoyed when a Power Point presentation goes on for hours. 8-)
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)malaise
(281,403 posts)π
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)turbinetree
(25,783 posts)
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)moniss
(6,636 posts)the use of the more affectionate term "son-in-law" isn't in the cards.
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)magicarpet
(17,730 posts)You rolled out the big guns and fired off The Mother of All Bombs. Sounds like your daughter will be playing Florence Nightingale for a while.
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)underpants
(188,997 posts)dgauss
(1,259 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)avebury
(11,101 posts)where OP had cooked a meal for her boyfriend. He did a PowerPoint presentation about her cooking. When she got irritated with him he did a second power point presentation on why she needs to develop a sense of humor. At that point, she created her own power point presentation on why it was time for them to go their separate ways. He was offended. This all took place in one weekend.
I don't think that they had dated a long period of time. She saw the red π©π©π© and kicked him to the curb.
Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)cstanleytech
(27,447 posts)Floyd R. Turbo
(29,715 posts)appleannie1
(5,235 posts)when they had just spent 6 months of him trying to tell the marriage counselor how great a husband he was. I simply started out by saying "for the last 14 years I have never interfered in your marriage to my daughter but now that you have asked my opinion". She finally got up the nerve to leave him a couple months later.