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My manager fired me OVER THE PHONE! I'm so pissed. Is this professional?? And 12 days before Xmas?

Mike 03
(18,200 posts)No, I don't think it's professional to fire or lay off someone over the phone.
Wow. Can you afford to take some time for yourself, or do you have to start looking pretty soon? That's a lot to absorb any time, but especially this time of year.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)but I have bills to pay...
(25,190 posts)magicarpet
(17,730 posts)Was there a justified reason for firing you ? Were you there long enough to collect unemployment compensation to at least get you past New Years while you try to find another job ?
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 16, 2024, 07:47 AM - Edit history (1)
which is definitely an 'at will' state. I am going to go the unemployment route for sure.
(17,730 posts)... to the employee. It sounds like the employer is kinda a cold individual so they might likely say you were let go with cause. Then you will have a protracted hearing and appeal process.
You better put feelers out and network around to become gainfully employed so you don’t end up on the slippery slide towards homelessness.
Do you have family that can help as a temp financial backup if need be ?
With 1/20/2025 and djt coming on board - employers might be reluctant to hire new workers until they see how much djt is going to make the economy key go topsy turvy. The deportations, tariffs, clown confirmation hearings, and Project 2025 to be enacted - employers are expected to take a wait and see attitude before they do a lot of hiring. Which means anyone desperately needing a job to keep themselves afloat financially will really need to network and get out and beat the bushes to enhance their chances of finding a replacement job.
If you have any previous employers who will offer you a glorious recommendation you better grab them. This employer will likely not be in your corner for a glowing word about how wonderful they found your work, or whatever ailed them.
Good luck in your job search. Keep us posted.
(14,311 posts)It only has to do with people being able to opt out of joining a union in a job represented by one.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I meant 'at will' state
So it's probably not illegal, but still tacky and unprofessional.
(153,064 posts)I have no idea if such an action is professional or not, but it stinks.
Do you have any kind of severance package or days off coming to you that might help?
I'm so sorry.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)no severance, and the Company states in the manual that they don't pay out accumulated PTO. Just one more check for the hours I've worked this week, then Nada.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,497 posts)Too little info to really comment on, though.
(35,028 posts)Ohio is at will, but that doesn't mean they can do illegal things. The timing is awful but I don't know your state's laws about unemployment insurance, etc. Is there an HR manager you can call with questions?
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)but where I am now is a right to work state too.
(35,028 posts)that's where I live now. We've been here 20 years. I got laid off from a job here, but that was probably 2006 or so ... I did get a few weeks pay and filed for unemployment. I had never done it before, but my mom encouraged me. They require you apply for new jobs so I did that, and got something within a couple months (I'm married so it wasn't a big hardship, but I did go back to work when offered the first job even though it was a little less salary). I'm really sorry this happened to you, it sounds like they are even worse these days with no loyalty or respect for employees
(71,740 posts)I had to let people go. Doing it without looking at their face is gutless.
Take care. Hope you have a soft landing.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)it's apprieciated.
(11,098 posts)I wish you the best, my friend.
(303 posts)From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)
(380 posts)It happened to my son 3 weeks ago. This is current corporate mentality. In other words, you are a POS and not worthy. It will soon be a text message.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I hope he's found another position...
(15,459 posts)From a great job. Last 14 yrs have been a slide into the toilet. I'm sorry
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)It sucks to lose a job you love...
(15,459 posts)Did the work of several ppl bc they didn't hire. Hospital was massively expanding so doing well. I was one of a small number. Lost a ton of salary had melanoma searching for benefits jobs thought i would die. Things basically got worse and worse until i had a massive mental health and wemt on ssdi. Life is no longer good..
(2,191 posts)December. I filed for unemployment the next week and did got 3 weeks of checks but after that i already had another job. I was really fretting because I thought who is going to hire a 71-year-old overweight old lady, but I got hired at my interview on Thursday and started the next Monday. I have worked at home for over 30 years, but this is in the office; however it is part time 26 hours a week and I am making the same amount I was making working full time at 40 hours, so its worth the 15 minute drive to get to the office. I hope you find something soon.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I worry because I'm 62. You are an inspiration!
(6,837 posts)
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I failed to meet my metrics.
(35,236 posts)From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I worked for an outsourser supporting an internet only bank.
(35,236 posts)My wife used to do that in college. She was always getting job offers in that setting. It pays the bills in the short term and can lead to a new and better job.
Do not be discouraged. It feels horrible I know. One of the things I learned by the way, is to never bad mouth your previous employer even if you want to do so badly. Think of a way to explain it as a kind of mutual decision, without lying.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)

(4,065 posts)I'm so sorry. I hope you find something way better.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I'm looking for something better
(35,236 posts)There was a couple in our town who I met because our sons were both getting the same kind of surgeries for a relatively rare condition, not fatal, but problematic, that our sons shared. They were well off, in the upper end of our already somewhat upscale community; I have no idea how or why they were so, but clearly they were fairly wealthy. The woman in particular had this "new agey" kind of way about her. (We were surprised that we lived in the same town, but never met until we met in New York City at a hospital where a rather famous surgeon for the condition our sons shared, practiced.)
Anyway, I got fired; in part because the focus of what I did succumbed to competition from China and India, in part because I resented my (two) bosses, one of whom was a terrible alcoholic and who expected me to drink with him during travel. I was in fear of developing liver disease and it was pretty clear I was at best ambivalent about keeping the job, although frankly, I needed it.
Anyway. I got fired.
I ran into the woman from the surgery sharing couple in the supermarket shortly after losing my job, and I informed her of my situation.
She said, "That's wonderful! Now you'll be able to find a new path!"
I wanted to punch her, but held my cool and nodded and smiled with some difficulty.
After a time, though, I did get a job in my field that had an entirely different focus, analytical chemistry as opposed to synthetic chemistry.
She was right, it turned out. I didn't know shit about analytical chemistry at the time; now I am considered an expert in the field.
I never saw her again; my son's surgeries ended with my insurance, and in any case, he didn't want them anymore. Overall, I am really, really, really glad I got fired in the end.
If I did see her again, though, I'd hug her.
About five or ten years later, I ran into my old bosses, the ones who fired me, at a conference, gave them my business card, designating that I held higher corporate rank then either of them did, smiled and shook hands, told them it was nice to see them and went on my merry way. Their company still sucks. I love what I do now, and I almost never need to drink socially with anyone and never feel compelled to do so.
May your outcome be as happy as mine proved to be, even if you want to punch me now.
(37,070 posts)Chicagogrl1
(506 posts)File for unemployment. See if you can do this online as that would be faster.
Update your résumé
You were not fired, your position ended.
Make sure you have a LinkedIn profile and it states that you’re open to work
Reach out to all professional connections and let them know that you are looking for work. Most jobs come from personal connections.
Go to a job fares & attend any professional networking events related to your field.
Finding a job is a full-time job and treat it as such.
Keep the faith, a better opportunity will come your way.
If you need anything related to job searching etc, feel free to reach out
(8,236 posts)and all advice which, when I was laid off, my company paid an employment coach to tell me. And they invited an unemployment official to come to our workplace and teach us the ropes of applying along with the rules. And there was some severance pay too. Of course, they laid off a whole department at one time because they were moving its functions to another state. They also offered us the opportunity to move to the new site - but I was in no positions personally to do so. But I digress.
My point is that your advice is excellent and very professional.
(506 posts)30 yrs of HR experience, lol
Happy to help anyone who needs it
Step one is fixing your resume to make it through AI screening
(8,236 posts)It was either working in HR or having been laid off a gazillion times, and it seemed to professional for the latter
(16,037 posts)From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)It's not the firing. It's the cowardly and craven way it was done. I mean, what's next? Fired by text?
Wicked Blue
(7,657 posts)for finding a good job with decent people, really soon.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)DU vibes gratefully received.
(9,430 posts)I'd like more details. (I used to be a career counselor).
How long were you there?
Why were you fired?
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)the company is an outsourcer, with phone-based customer service. I was great with the customer I spoke with on the phone, but I failed my metrics.
(9,430 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 21, 2024, 04:25 PM - Edit history (2)
She/He still shouldn't have done it on the phone.
I worked for a company that made the goals IMPOSSIBLE! I think the only reason I didn't get fired is because we had a young boss (who was an idiot) who said in an informal meeting that she "couldn't wait until the baby boomers (which was me and a couple of others) retire."
I think they were afraid that there would be an ageism lawsuit against them. Man I REALLY disliked that company....They were shut down in 2016 because of corruption at the top (the CEO and CFO were cooking the books so they'd get their several million dollar bonuses).
(18,196 posts)Long, sad, crazy story. I might be hiring a lawyer.
Eta - linked in is not your friend. Don't use it.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)
(24,750 posts)Best of luck.
Clouds Passing
(3,889 posts)
(19,305 posts)I'm sorry to hear that.
(43,371 posts)fired only if one is laid off.My story is I fell down two flights of stairs. When I came to, I asked them to call an ambulance-no or take me to the hospital.--no. I was told to drive myself as the hospital was right down the road. I , instead drove the 10 miles home. Was tired and went to sleep. When my husband came home, we took me to the hospital . I had a concussion. I didn;t finish the school year. I had to take physical and cognitive therapy.I returned the end of August, I was a teacher. and given the worst schedule. I taught Art on a Cart and had to go between the two floors. I was cut down to 3 days a week. When I was late so the teachers missed 10 minutes of their 40 minutes prep period , teachers complained. I was still walking with a cane. I got called into the office and told to clear my stuff out as I was fired. She watched as I, my dad and my husband cleaned out my cabinet. She said she didn't want me to take anything that belonged to the school. Nothing did, I bought all my supplies and as such I took them all to the dumpster and threw them away. I called Workman"s Comp. and since only children saw me fall, they couldn't help me. Nor Could UC. as I was fired.It was a Catholic school, non union. I had the highist senority and a BS, and two MS. degrees. I was told by friends to get a lawyer. I did want ever go back to that hell hole again. As I left, I turned and told both the priest and her to "Both go to hell" and never entered a church again. I still get envelopes to donate but I throw them away. What I did so was apply for SSDI which I got the first time with no lawyer.
(4,691 posts)Unemployment at least?
(43,371 posts)From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)I applied yesterday.
From The Ashes
(2,715 posts)fingers crossed...
(69,248 posts)I’m sorry for you.