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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsJust got my flu shot and my COVID booster.
I have no doubt I’ll be down for the count within twenty-four hours or so from the immune response.
But I’m set for the winter.
Bring it on…

Wounded Bear
(61,432 posts)Aristus
(69,230 posts)My immune system responses have been getting less severe with each booster. Which makes sense. I already have at least a partial immunity to COVID, which means my immune system doesn’t have to work as hard this time producing immune antibodies.
Wounded Bear
(61,432 posts)but age is taking its toll, and I've been on flu shots for years and years, and covid since it first came out.
Never had a severe reaction. I've felt some, but not debilitating. Arm is still a bit sore around the shots area - I took both in the same side - but much better than yesterday.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)if I had them both together. 🤣 I have my flu shot scheduled for tonight, but my Covid booster will have to wait - I had Covid in early August, so I’m hoping I’ll be okay for a bit longer.
(69,230 posts)Born and raised in Texas, but residing in Washington State (True Blue!).
You have to immunize in whichever way works best for your body.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)a fellow Southern liberal!
(69,230 posts)How do you like that? She was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama to two ultra-conservative Southern Baptists.
But she turned out very liberal. She’s in her eighties, and is very, very pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, pro-gun control, etc.
She is undoubtedly responsible for making me, my brother, and my sister staunch, die-hard liberal Democrats.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)They are 86/87 and were Republicans until the religious right totally (and openly) took control of the party. Since then they have been die hard liberal Democrats. They were both born & raised in South Carolina, but escaped to North Carolina as young adults, lol.
It’s nice to have like minded family. At least my immediate family. My extended family, not so much. 🥴
(69,230 posts)if I didn’t have liberal back-up from my family.
(15,359 posts)a prescription sleep aid must be like. Just enough chills to make me know it was going to feel really good in bed.
(3,520 posts)Ready for Fall/Winter!
(69,230 posts)But otherwise, I want everyone to make it through the winter healthy and of sound mind and body.
(27,854 posts)I may be wrong in this strategy of waiting until October for vax, but I like the idea of it working longer into the disease season.
(69,230 posts)The days during which we will all be crammed indoors together are still ahead of us.
(27,854 posts)What do you think about that rash assumption on my part? I read so much that some stuff gets conflated.
(69,230 posts)Probably as good as any immunologist could come up with when considering a person's age, lifestyle, current health status, any immunocompromise they might have, potential for exposure, etc.
Two weeks seems like a good median for immunity potential.
(15,307 posts)Nothing other than two mildly sore arms after 24 hours, but today I' sort of lethargic. Yesterday I was full of energy and did a whole bunch of junk removal from our house. Today I'm wondering who that person was.
(10,513 posts)Silent Type
(8,508 posts)can barely move my arms, headache, and alternating from sweating to shivering cold. Will not do this again.
(26,259 posts)…achy all over, and feeling ice cold. I had COVID in late 2020, before the vaccines were available, and it was a very mild case. I feel worse after the shots, but that doesn’t worry me or deter me from getting them. Like you, I know it is my immune system recognizing that it has a job to do.
I do them separately because I want to keep track of how I’m reacting to each one.
a kennedy
(32,895 posts)

(69,230 posts)I just did an hour of cardio and another thirty minutes of weight-lifting.
My immune response doesn't usually become symptomatic until around twenty-four hours after.
Gotta stay strong and healthy!
a kennedy
(32,895 posts)my measly arm exercises compared to your workout is just sad. Good luck tomorrow.
(69,230 posts)There's one I've known for years. When she saw me, she came over, gave me a big hug, and said (I kid you not) : "Have you been working out?" I thought they only said that in the movies.
I've finally worked off most of my COVID-19 weight gain, and now fit back into most of my favorite outfits. There are still a few of my suits that are a little tight; it's either lose the rest of the weight, or get them let out at the tailor's.
(162,218 posts)makes it easier for me to remember when I got it
(69,230 posts)We need you healthy so you can continue your ass-kicking.
(162,218 posts)working on platelet gallon 66
(69,230 posts)It’s been about twenty years since they put a restriction on blood donations from those suspected of exposure to Kreutzfeld-Jakob Disease. That includes me.
Before then, I had donated several gallons of blood. I don’t think I ever will be able to again.
(162,218 posts)I heard some places had lifted that ban but I think that's still one of the dozens of questions I answer.
(69,230 posts)if the restriction had been lifted. No every year so far…
Mme. Defarge
(8,629 posts)and they packed a wallop unlike anything I have previously experienced. Felt better yesterday.
Had a reservation but the event was opened up to anyone who simply showed up, causing long waits - upwards of two hours in my case - in crowded indoor conditions with participants and staff predominately not wearing masks. Glad I was wearing one in what had all the appearances of a superspreader situation.
(69,230 posts)They take my insurance, so I decided to skip the trip to the clinic and avoid the full waiting room.
After I submitted my form, I waited a whole five minutes.
I'm glad you're feeling better.
(31,723 posts)mitch96
(14,983 posts)The last time I got the flu. I got the shots during the pandemic but I guess they wore off.
Well I got Covid the other day. Not too bad. Temp 99.6 mild headache and muscle aches. Worst is the persistent cough. Tylenol knocked back the fever and aches.
I guess I no longer have the big "S" on my chest any more. I'll wait about a month and see about the new "jab"...
(69,230 posts)Because I work with sick people, I need to make sure I can neither pass along an infection nor be susceptible to one. It helps that my medical employers have always required staff vaccinations. Smart policy.
(10,443 posts)Aristus
(69,230 posts)
(3,016 posts)Dropped me for 6 days, nurse told me, " this one's, gonna suck"
(69,230 posts)That's a long time to have an immune inflammatory response.
(3,016 posts)I don't take pills, I hate pills, I fight Doc at every turn.
So when I do take a med, my body reacts to it. Both with the benefits, and the side effects.
(69,230 posts)Nurses ROCK!
(11,002 posts)I expect to feel like shit for a day or so, but it's hella better than flu and covid!
(69,230 posts)Plus, you won't be passing it on to anyone else.
Well done!
(9,800 posts)Have no commitments for the next 2 days. Last Covid shot I had a mild reaction (headache, low grade fever). Hope for the same.
(15,120 posts)A week later my 2nd shingles shot. I already feel like a pincushion!
(6,377 posts)shot yesterday because we have a flu clinic at work, but not Covid. The Covid shot made me sleepy the next day but otherwise no issues.
(37,513 posts)the flu and COVID shot that day. Soon as she opened her mouth I knew she was a MAGA. She said she doesn't
take any shots, they destroy your immune system. She says you need to be exposed to the viruses in order for you to build up
immunity to them. I am not any medical expert but isn't that the point of the vaccine? I told her about my friend's son that refused
to take a COVID shot and ended up dying from COVID at 48 years old. Of course she starts telling me about all the people she knew that died from the shot. There you go they deal with alternative facts, there is no use trying to reason with a MAGA. I just say hi now and
don't engage in any conversation anymore.
(69,230 posts)If they don’t trust my judgment on vaccines, what else in my practice are they not going to trust?
Best just not to waste my time.
(24,080 posts)
(2,386 posts)I was fine during the day, but I'm already beginning to feel the effects of both - achy arms and legs, that hint of a fever, definitely tired. I'm guessing tomorrow is going to be exciting.
These shots are not cheap - I have insurance, but my daughter, who started work as a temp manager for a store and doesn't have company health insurance, ended up having to pay almost $250 out of pocket for the two shots. The problem with the insurance system in this country is that it hides the charged costs of a great number of medications and procedures, which then gets paid for by increasingly high premiums. Since the typical officeworker who has company healthcare doesn't see this cost directly, they don't understand just how obscene the costs involved actually are, but if you're poor, you see every single dime of it.