Senator J.D. Vance says presidents must have immunity, though maybe not Biden.
This, my friends, is a classic example of being hoisted on one's own petard.
Republicans will do almost anything to protect Trump. But their efforts make it more difficult to go after Biden.
And just a little editorial comment of my own: While I don't have a lot of faith in my fellow Americans' ability to see the real risk that Trump poses for democracy, I am put in mind of experiments done with chimpanzees. It seems that our 98% DNA cousins understand the basic concept of equity. When one subject in a study is getting short-changed in receiving a treat, the other chimps know it.
So. maybe the fence-sitters who don't see what all the fuss is about in this election (the ones who think that the Democrats aren't really that different from the Republicans), will at least see the blatant hypocrisy in this latest political ploy. . . I mean, seriously, chimps could see through this crap.

(104,073 posts)
(36,836 posts)And I think Vance is playing dumb to see if it gets him a VP nod. Kind of sad, don't you think?
Response to Collimator (Original post)
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