RFK Jr. suggests he'll have a significant role on agriculture and health policy if Trump is elected
Source: AP
Updated 5:15 PM EDT, October 15, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is suggesting he will have significant influence on American agriculture policy if Donald Trump is elected president, the latest in a series of roles he has envisioned for himself in a second Trump administration. Kennedy, an anti-vaccine activist and environmentalist who ran for president as an independent before endorsing Trump, on Monday posted a video on social media that he filmed outside the U.S. Department of Agriculture headquarters in Washington.
Corporate interests have hijacked the USDA dietary guidelines to make natural unprocessed foods merely an afterthought. Thats one reason why 70% of the American diet now consists of ultraprocessed food. Were going to change that, Kennedy said, before listing off a series of policy ideas that would seem to run counter to much of what Trumps Agriculture Department did in his first administration.
When Donald Trump gets me inside the building Im standing outside of right now, it wont be this way anymore. American agriculture will come roaring back, and so will American health.
The Trump campaign has said in a statement that formal discussions of who would serve in a second Trump administration are premature. But the former president himself has said at recent rallies that RFK Jr. is someone who could help his administration if he wins.
Read more: https://apnews.com/article/rfk-usda-trump-agriculture-election-fda-c15c96af05f2b0f48521410578f2f7df

(49,156 posts)Disrupt the system and create chaos. Whatever one thinks of the type or quality of our food, it's an efficient distribution system.
Once worm brain decides to eliminate (supposedly) canned goods and plastics, what remains? Daily decay? No more canned food? That impacts the steel industry. Steel cans represent about .06% of the steel industry. I looked this up last week. Factories, jobs, spoilage. How do I get canned beans without cans? Fresh beans? Seriously?
And he's in charge of nutrition and health too? Another socio with no regard for normal boundaries of people, policy, or his ego.
RFK Jr. is stone cold nuts.
(148,659 posts)I actually have been buying black beans sold in pouches (microwavable) as the pouches are about 10oz in size, which is good enough for the multi-serving recipes that I use them in (and would be like 2, 5oz cans, which are harder for me to find vs only having the larger can). Of course that introduces more plastic into the environment.
(38,623 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,659 posts)
Looks like they have all kinds of beans sold in that format! I just open the pouch, strain and rinse and will add to stuff like filling for enchiladas or for a bean, corn, and tomato salsa that I like to make!
(38,623 posts)
(148,659 posts)I know the feeling! I usually make 2 "family size" meals on weekends that would come out to 7 servings, and will rotate through those each day during the week.
(103,208 posts)and that's Big Farm, and Big Pharma.
trusty elf
(7,484 posts)
(1,819 posts)
(1,108 posts)RFK will have a job washing dishes at Mar-a-Lago.
(63,428 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,961 posts)2naSalit
(95,919 posts)Chickens before they hatch. They are all so full of themselves that they can't contain their excitement over what they fantasize about their alleged soon to be power.
I hope it all blows up in their faces in spectacular fashion.
(45,656 posts)And IF he got the chance to pick another cabinet, he wouldnt pick anyone who could take attention away from himself.
(121,814 posts)chouchou
(1,665 posts)Oh Brother...
(148,659 posts)There's already a big whooping cough (Pertussis) outbreak going on right now!
Worst U.S. whooping cough outbreak in a decade has infected thousands
(3,015 posts)
(738 posts)Trump is already on record that he will withdraw funding for any schools with vaccination mandates:
Also, how many MAGA farmers who use pesticides will still vote for Trump?
(12,961 posts)Mz Pip
(28,023 posts)thats not gonna happen.
(36,836 posts)JD Vance is planning to Article 25 Chump the first chance he gets. Any pols who are counting on a cabinet appointment from Chump would be severely disappointed.
Aren't we happy that none of this will really happen because the goobers are going to lose.
(15,470 posts)A man who lost 1/2 his brain because he ate a dog is going to have a say over our food chain?
Damn the worms, full meal ahead.
(25,124 posts)have absolutely no interest, and that would give RFK a chance of getting it in a Trump administration.
Wild blueberry
(7,475 posts)Reason one: Bob has no qualifications. That doesn't matter to the Sludge Goblin, but it will prevent Bob from functioning in whatever "post" he may, or may not, get.
Reason two: Project 2025 protects and enhances the processed food industry.
Reason three: it's going to be a Harris/Walz administration, goddess willing.
(24,441 posts)Because he comes from a farming background?
(618 posts)is watching all the underlings fighting to carve out their fief and expand it. Kennedy vs. Vance vs. Johnson vs. the Trump kids. It will be like Hitler's inner circle, awful men who hate each other. fighting it out.
I'd put my money on Vance, he has the sugardaddies behind him. I think Kennedy's going to be squashed like a bug. Maybe he'll wind up flying a plane to Scotland.
(49,476 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)get me some coffee. Cream and sugar, please.
They'll tell him he's the coffee czar.